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• Structures and Tents <br />There will be no stage structure, and tents will be small vendor tents, properly <br />anchored. <br />• Bathroom facilities/waste management <br />Not all attendees will be there at the same time, and it is felt the bathroom facilities <br />and waste facilities inside the building will be adequate. Legion staff will be required <br />to remove all trash, if any, from the parking areas at the close of the event. <br />• Food and Liquor <br />Alcohol will be served in a fenced in area. Identification will be checked and wrist <br />bands issued to those 21 years of age and older. At all times, there will be security at <br />the entrances to ensure no alcohol leaves the fenced area. There will be three food <br />trucks on the property, and food may also be served from the Legion kitchen. <br />• Security <br />Security has been discussed with the applicant and it has been decided there is no <br />need to hire a deputy to be on duty. The attendees of the event will be spread out <br />during the day, and employees of Legion will be monitoring liquor consumption. <br />3. REQUIREMENTS: <br />The applicant has provided the City the completed permit and permit fee. In accordance <br />with this permit, the applicant shall conduct the event as described herein and meet the <br />following conditions: <br />Prior to the Event <br />1. The applicant will provide the City a signed Hold Harmless Agreement. <br />2. The applicant will provide a Certificate of Liquor Liability Insurance showing <br />the City of Hugo as additionally insured for this event. <br />The applicant will work with staff on placement of an off -site sign for the <br />event. <br />4. The area serving alcohol will be enclosed by fencing. <br />5. The applicant will post signs prohibiting alcohol out of fenced area. <br />6. All tents and will be adequately anchored. <br />During the Event <br />7. The applicant shall conduct the event in accordance with the approved plans <br />submitted with the application. <br />