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Agenda Number G.5 <br />CITY OF HUGO COMMUNITY <br />DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT <br />PLANNING AND ZONING APPLICATION <br />STAFF REPORT <br />TO: Bryan Bear, City Administrator <br />FROM: Rachel Juba, Community Development Director <br />SUBJECT: Rosemary Apartments — MWF Properties. Variance from Building <br />Height Requirements. <br />DATE: August 29, 2019, for the City Council meeting of September 3, 2019 <br />COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Medium Density Residential (MD) <br />ZONING: Medium Density Multiple Family Residential (R-5) <br />REVIEW DEADLINE: 60-day Review Waived <br />1. BOARD OF ZONING AND ADJUSTMENTS UPDATE: <br />At its Thursday, August 22, 2019, meeting the Board held a public hearing and considered the <br />request. Staff provided background on the request and recommended approval of the variance. <br />There was one person that spoke during the public hearing. It was a representative from Christ <br />Lutheran Church. He had questions about grading and mentioned the church may want to <br />expand. The applicant also spoke during the meeting and provided additional background on the <br />request. The Board agreed that the request met the criteria necessary to approve the request and <br />unanimously recommended approval of the variance to the City Council. <br />2. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST: <br />The applicant is requesting approval of a variance to allow the apartment building to be 45 feet <br />and 7 inches tall at the highest point of the building (roof ridge), where 35 feet is required by <br />ordinance. The building is a three-story apartment with underground parking. <br />3. BACKGROUND: <br />On April 15, 2019, the City Council approved a site plan and conditional use permit for <br />Rosemary Apartments. It is a three-story building with 45 units. The property is located on <br />Rosemary Way and west of Everton Avenue in the Frenchman Place development. At the time of <br />site plan approval the building elevation proposed was over 35 feet in height. The developer <br />