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EXTRACT OF MUWTES OF MEETING <br />OF THE VILLAGECOUNCIL OF THE <br />VILLAGE OF HUGO, . MINNESOTA <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a special meeting of <br />the Village Council of the Village of Hugo, Minnesota, was held at the <br />Village Hall in said Village on Tuesday, March 21, 1961; at 8:00 o'clock P.M. <br />with the following members present: Mayor Emil Maslowski, Robert E. <br />Burj,-.ard, James LetT a. 1 t ourneau and Marier <br />and the following members absent: Clarence 'Kenzel <br />The Clerk then presented an affidavit.of publication of notice <br />of bond sale in the official newspaper and in Commercial West which affi- <br />davits were examined and approved and ordered filed. The Cldrk then <br />announced that he had received. 2 bids for the purchase of said bonds <br />which, upon being opened, were found to be as follows: <br />BIDDER INTEREST RATES PRICE <br />(See Bid Tabulation Attached) <br />