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NOTICE OF PRELIMINARY HEARINGS <br />WATERWORKS IMPROVEMENTS <br />HUGO, MINNESOTA <br />NOTICE IS HEREBOY GIVEN that the Village Council of the Village of Hugo, <br />Minnesota, will meet at the Village Hall in said Village on May 23 <br />1961, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. to conduct preliminary <br />public hearings on the proposed construction of Waterworks Improvement <br />No. 1961-1, consisting of watermains, valves, hydrants and appurtenances <br />in the following described streets. - <br /> <br />In First Avenue from a point approximately 1200 feet west <br />of T. H. 61 to a point approximately 1800 feet west and <br />north of T.H. 61, Along the west right-of-way line of <br />the Northern Pacific Railway from First Avenue to Second <br />Avenue, and from Egglake Rd. to east corporate limit,1560 ft. <br /> <br />In Maple Street from Hugo Place to Withrow Road; in Withrow <br />Road from Maple Street to Oak Street; in Pine Street from <br />Fifth Avenue North to a point approximately 900 feet north <br />of Fifth Avenue North; in Redwood Street from Sixth Avenue <br />North to the north corporate limits; in Sixth Avenue North <br />from Pine Street to Redwood Street. <br /> <br />The estimated cost of said improvement is $23,819.90. <br /> <br />The area proposed to be assessed for special benefit derived from said im- <br />provements is each lot piece and parcel of property abutting the above <br />described streets. Said property owners are further advised that their <br />properties may also be assessed for special benefit derived from the con- <br />struction of Waterworks Improvement No. 1960-1, namely $200 for each busi- <br />ness or residence or for each equivalent residential family dwelling unit. <br />Owners of property which may be assessed may, at the above stated time <br />and place, present oral or written objections to said improvements and the <br />Council shall pass thereon with respect to each improvement. <br />Dated May 5, 1961 <br />BY THE ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL <br />Robert A. Burkard <br />Village Clerk <br />