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Street Improvement Project. Staff has reviewed the pay request and finds it acceptable for the <br />work certified through October 31, 2019. Staff recommends Council approve payment in the <br />amount of $559,738.16 to Dresel Contracting. <br />G.7 Approved Revisions to the JPA with Lino Lakes <br />The City of Hugo has a Joint Powers Agreement for the proposed improvements to Elmcrest <br />Avenue and Cedar Street as Lino Lakes and Hugo have agreed that both communities benefit <br />from a joint project. The project was bid this fall, however the bid prices exceeded estimates and <br />staff recommended re -bidding in early 2020 in hopes of receiving better bid prices. In the <br />meantime, the City has received calls regarding the potential development of Melody Stables and <br />staff believes it is important to at least make accommodations to have a bid alternate included in <br />the bid package that would include the extension of sanitary sewer and watermain from the south <br />to serve this property. This will provide clear information to the developer on what costs <br />responsibilities they would have in moving forward with development of this parcel. Staff is <br />recommending approval of the 2nd Amendment to the Joint Powers Agreement that has <br />engineering costs related to the potential extension of utilities in Elmcrest Avenue be billed to <br />and paid for by the City of Hugo. <br />G.8 Approve Scope of Services from Oertel Architects for Public Works Study, Part 2 <br />At its December 12, 2019, workshop, the Council gave direction to staff and Oertel Architects to <br />prepare a scope of services proposal for Part 2 planning of the Public Works facilities <br />study. Staff recommends Council approval of the proposal as submitted by Jeff Oertel. <br />G.9 Approve Deeds for Property Donation from Rich Kettler <br />At its Monday, November 4, 2019, meeting, the City Council directed staff to draft a quit claim <br />deed to accept the property donation from Rich Kettler. This property is generally located on the <br />northwest corner of 140d' Street and Fenway Avenue. Staff recommends the Council approve the <br />deeds and accept the property donation from Rich Kettler. <br />H.1 Award of Contract for Judicial Ditch 2 Maintenance Proiect <br />At is October 21, 2019, meeting, the Hugo City Council approved the Plans and Specifications <br />for the Judicial Ditch 2 Maintenance Project and authorized staff to solicit quotes to complete <br />maintenance work in an amount not to exceed $175,000 in construction costs. The goal of the <br />project is to get the Hardwood Creek drainage system cleaned and fully functional. The plans <br />that were completed include the entire 5-mile section that still needs maintenance work. It is <br />expected that only about one-third of the remaining ditch will be improved as part of this phase <br />of the project; however, the project could be expanded. On November 7, 2019, two quotes were <br />received. Staff recommends Council approve the resolution accepting the quotes and awarding <br />the contract to Scandia Trucking in the amount of $119,794.80 and an amount not to exceed <br />$175,000 if the project is expanded. <br />J.1 Approve Resolutions Adopting the 2040 Comprehensive Plan and Local Water Plan <br />On March 4, 2019, the City Council authorized submittal of the Comprehensive Plan to the <br />