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BACKGROUND MEMO FOR THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON JANUARY 6, 2020 <br />D.1 Approval of Minutes for the December 12, 2019, Holiday Party <br />D.2 Approval of Minutes for the December 16, 2019, City Council Meeting <br />Staff recommends Council approve the above minutes as presented. <br />F.1 Recognition of Sergeant Joe Stoehr and Introduction of Sergeant Joe Zerwas and <br />Investigator Lee Mars <br />Washington County Sheriff's Office has made changes in the personnel assigned to Hugo. <br />Sergeant Joe Stoehr has been moved to Sergeant of General Investigations at the County, and <br />taking his place as Hugo's Sergeant is former Hugo Investigator Joe Zerwas. Hugo Deputy Lee <br />Mars has been promoted to the Investigator position. Council will recognize Sergeant Joe Stoehr <br />for his service in Hugo and Sheriff Dan Starry will introduce to Council Sergeant Joe Zerwas and <br />Investigator Lee Mars. <br />G. 1 Approval of Claims <br />Staff recommends Council approve the Claims Roster as presented. <br />G. 2 Approve Appointment of Becky Petryk as Acting Mayor <br />Each year, the Council appoints a member of the Council for the position of Acting Mayor. On <br />behalf of Mayor Tom Weidt, City staff recommends approval of the appointment of Council <br />Member Becky Petryk as Acting Mayor for the year 2020. <br />G. 3 Approve Appointment of WSB and Associates as City Engineer <br />WSB Engineers has been the City Engineer for the past 16 years. Mark Erichson has handled the <br />day-to-day civil engineering duties, and Pete Willenbring continues as the water resource <br />engineer. WSB Engineers is requesting to continue to provide this service to the City at the <br />revised rate schedule as enclosed. City staff recommends approval of the appointment of WSB <br />Engineers and Mark Erichson as the City Engineer for 2020. <br />G. 4 Approve Appointment of Landform as City Planner <br />Kendra Lindahl from Landform has worked over the past 17 years as the City Planner. Landform <br />would like to continue to provide this service to the City at a revised rate schedule. City staff <br />recommends approval of the appointment of Kendra Lindahl as the City Planner/Planning <br />Consultant for the year 2020. <br />G. 5 Approve Appointment of Johnson & Turner as City Attorney <br />City Attorney Dave Snyder has served the City with the law firm of Johnson & Turner for the <br />past six years. Johnson & Turner would like to continue to provide legal services to the City. <br />City staff recommends approval of the appointment of David K. Snyder and the Johnson & <br />Turner Law Firm as the City Attorney for the year 2020. <br />