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CITTTY(DP�^i, <br />N',S l'. 1905 <br />2019 Ongoing Priorities <br />•Continue to provide training and education opportunities <br />•Continue firefighter recruitment and retention <br />•Continue internship program <br />•Recruit qualified citizens for commissions <br />•Provide adequate resources and technology <br />•Monitor development activity and adjust staffing levels <br />•Hold joint workshops with each Commission/Board <br />•Continue training new Commissioners and Council Members <br />•Continue to promote leadership within the Commissions/Boards <br />•Develop long-term strategies for industrial development <br />•Proceed with street reconstruction program <br />•Share services with neighboring communities <br />•Manage growth responsibly <br />•Provide transparency by keeping up-to-date postings in newsletters, <br />website, and cable bulletin board <br />•Maintain relationships with HBA, Senior's Club, Lions Club, American <br />Legion, Food Shelf, YRN, recreational and other civic organizations. <br />•Continue annual citywide bus tour <br />•Expand social networking where possible <br />•Keep apprised of legislative issues that impact budgeting <br />•Remain involved in LMC and Metro Cities activities <br />•Work with Greater MSP and other regional entities <br />•Continue discussions with school districts, counties, watershed districts, <br />neighboring municipalities and other local and state agencies on regional <br />issues <br />•Review police protection services annually <br />