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G.6 Approve Advertisement for Public Works Summer Seasonal Workers <br />Staff is requesting authorization to advertise and hire a total of six (6) seasonal employees for the <br />public works department. In the 2020 General Fund Budget, Council approved the six seasonal <br />positions. Seasonal Public Works Employees assist with mowing, garbage/litter removal, park <br />maintenance, boulevard and general Public Works maintenance. A starting hourly wage of <br />$12.00/hour was approved in the 2020 General Fund Budget for these positions. These positions <br />will not exceed 40 hours per week. Staff recommends the Council approve the advertisement for <br />Public Works summer seasonal workers. <br />G.7 Approve Purchase of New Radios for the Hugo Fire Department <br />Included in the City's 2020 budget is funding for the purchase of a 7 new radios for the Fire <br />Department. This will replace 7 model XTL2600 radios which will become obsolete in 2021. <br />The radios being purchased are 7 APX6000 Motorola radios for a total cost of $27,356. Included <br />in the 2020 budget was $28,000 for replacement of radios. After this year 7 more portable radios <br />will need to be replaced. The cost of this radios are as expected and staff has budgeted <br />appropriately for the replacement. Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the <br />purchase of 7 Motorola APX6000 through the State of Minnesota contract, from ANCOM. <br />G.8 Approve Request for Proposals for Adelaide Landing Playground <br />At the City Council meeting of June 3, 2019, a site plan was approved for a future neighborhood <br />park in Adelaide Landing. Construction of the park was started in fall 2019 and will continue in <br />spring 2020, in partnership with Excelsior Group. The City will be overseeing installation of the <br />playground, among other park amenities. A neighborhood meeting would be held at the Parks <br />Commission meeting of April 15, 2020. Residents would be asked to provide input on proposed <br />playgrounds from a variety of vendors. Input would also be gathered on a name for the future <br />park, which will be determined this spring. At their meeting of January 19, 2020, the Parks <br />Commission recommended that a request for proposals be submitted for construction of a <br />playground in Adelaide Landing not to exceed $100,000. <br />G.9 Approve Replacement of Public Works Utility Truck #107 <br />Included in the City's 2020 Equipment CIP is funding for the replacement of the Public Works <br />Department 2002 Chevrolet crane/utility truck #107-02. Typically, the City replaces these types <br />of trucks following a ten-year equipment replacement schedule. In 2012, Public Works staff <br />recommended keeping truck # 107-02 and continuing to use it, as it was mechanically sound and <br />performing as expected. Now that the truck is 18 years old and at the end of its useful life, staff is <br />requesting Council approval to replace this truck with a 2020 Ford F-550 from Midway Ford <br />equipped with a utility box and crane supplied by ABM Equipment and Supply. Once the City <br />takes receipt of the new truck, staff will make a recommendation on the process to sell the <br />existing truck. Staff recommends Council approve the purchase of a 2020 Ford F-550 to replace <br />the 2002 Chevrolet truck at a total cost, including equipment, of $135,304.31. <br />G.10 Approve Reduction in Letter of Credit for Adelaide Landing 1st and 2nd Addition <br />and Release of Cash Escrow <br />Adelaide Landing lst and 2nd Additions have had significant work completed to date and The <br />Excelsior Group is requesting a reduction in the letter of credit for both 1st and 2nd Additions. <br />