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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for January 6, 2020 <br />Page 5 of 11 <br />the letter of credit to $157,849. This was a reduction to 10% of the original letter of credit of <br />$1,578,491. The Excelsior Group was also requesting a release of the cash escrow for the <br />grading of Phase 2. Phase 2 grading was complete, seeded and mulched. Staff had recommended <br />the Council approve the release of cash escrow in the amount of $167,400. This was a release to <br />10% of the original amount of cash escrow of $186,000. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />approve the reduction in the letter of credit for Adelaide Landing 1st and 2nd Addition and release <br />of cash escrow for Phase 2 grading. <br />Approve Pay Voucher No. 6 for 130th Street Improvement Project <br />The City had received Pay Voucher No. 6 from Dresel Contracting for work done on the 1301 <br />Street Improvement Project. Staff had reviewed the pay request and found it acceptable for the <br />work certified through January 29, 2020. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved payment in <br />the amount of $252,376.44 to Dresel Contracting, Inc. <br />Approve Resolution Appointing Election Judges for 2020 Elections <br />Municipalities must, by resolution, appoint election judges 25 days prior to the election. Staff <br />had prepared a resolution appointing judges to work the Presidential Nominating Primary on <br />March 3rd, the State Primary on August 1 lth, and the General Election on November 3rd of 2020. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2020-10 APPOINTING <br />ELECTION JUDGES FOR PRESIDENTIAL NOMINATING PRIMARY, STATE PRIMARY, <br />AND GENERAL ELECTIONS IN THE YEAR 2020. <br />Approve Donation to the Hugo Fire Department from Hugo American Legion <br />The Hugo American Legion Post 620 made a donation of $500 to the Hugo Fire Department. <br />These funds will go toward department training and equipment. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved the donation of $500 to the Hugo Fire Department. <br />Approve Purchase of Asphalt Roller/Compactor <br />The Public Works Department requested authorization to replace the existing Wacker asphalt <br />roller/compactor used to assist in filling potholes and road patching. This piece of equipment <br />had been in service for 14 seasons. Staff requested approval to purchase a Caterpillar CB22B <br />through the Sourcewell Cooperative Contract, which is equivalent to the MnDOT Cooperative <br />Purchasing Venture, to ensure best pricing. Staff had worked with the Finance Department, and <br />the money is included in the 2020 Budget. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the <br />purchase of a Caterpillar asphalt roller/compactor in the amount of $43,061. <br />Approve Purchase of Asphalt Pan Tilt Trailer <br />The Public Works Department requested authorization to replace the existing Felling pan tilt <br />trailer used to haul the roller and other tools to aid in filling potholes and road patching. This <br />piece of equipment had been in service for 14 seasons. Staff would like to purchase a Felling <br />FT12IT pan tilt trailer through the MnDOT Cooperative Purchasing Venture to ensure best <br />pricing. Staff had worked with the Finance Department, and the money was included in the 2020 <br />