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2020.03.02 CC Packet
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2020.03.02 CC Packet
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Last modified
6/25/2020 12:58:05 PM
Creation date
2/27/2020 4:12:43 PM
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approximately 28 miles of gravel roads located within its municipal boundaries. Following City <br />Council approval, staff will advertise and solicit bids through the City newspaper and will hold a <br />bid opening in early April. This will be followed by the Council considering bids in April. The <br />dust control/stabilization would be applied in two separate applications, once in mid -May and <br />again in early to mid -August. Staff recommends approval to advertise for bids for the City's <br />2020 gravel road dust control project. <br />G.5 Approve Sale of 2006 Sterling Plow Truck to City of Sandstone <br />Staff recently held a sealed bid process for the sale of the 2006 Sterling plow truck (#206-06) <br />that was recently replaced in the Public Works Department. Staff is extremely pleased to inform <br />the Council that a high bid of $40,000.00 was submitted by the City of Sandstone, MN. A <br />minimum bid reserve of $32,000 was placed on the truck. Staff feels confident that accepting the <br />bid of $40,000.00 is in the best interest of the City. Staff recommends Council approval the sale <br />of the 2006 Sterling plow truck (#206-06) to the City of Sandstone for the amount of $40,000.00. <br />G.6 Approve Property Line Adjustment for 17636 and 17742 Keystone Avenue <br />Richard O'Brien and Marla Anderson are requesting to adjust their common property lines. The <br />properties are generally located north of 170th Street North and west of Keystone Avenue North <br />and are both zoned Agricultural. The applicant is proposing to adjust the common property line <br />between the properties so that there is an even transfer of property and both parcels will remain <br />the same the size. Staff recommends approval of the resolution approving a property line <br />adjustment for Richard O'Brien and Marla Anderson for properties located at 17636 Keystone <br />Avenue North and 17742 Keystone Avenue North. <br />G.7 Approve Reduction in Cash Escrow for Waters Edge 6th Addition <br />Waters Edge 6th Addition has had significant work completed to date, and the developer is <br />requesting a reduction in the cash escrow. The current cash escrow is in the amount of $366,836. <br />Staff has inspected the work completed to date and recommends Council approve the reduction <br />in cash escrow to $198,000 based on the value of work remaining to be completed. <br />G.8 Approve Lawful Gambling Exempt Permit for East Metro Waterfowler's <br />The East Metro Waterfowler's Association has applied for a Lawful Gambling Exempt Permit to <br />conduct a raffle at their event on Thursday, April 16, 2020, at the Hugo American Legion. Staff <br />recommends Council approve the Lawful Gambling Exempt Permit for East Metro <br />Waterfowler's. <br />G.9 Approve Joint Powers Agreement with Washington County for Code Red <br />In August of 2011, Council entered into a Joint Powers Agreement with Washington County to <br />participate in the Code Red mass notification system. The agreement was renewed in 2015 for <br />five years and has now expired. This mass notification system alerts residents within a specified <br />area by land telephone or by cellular phone and/or email if registered by the resident. All <br />residents are encouraged to go online and register for Code Red alerts. The City is able to utilize <br />this emergency notification system with the assistance of the Washington County 911 personnel. <br />As part of this agreement, the City agrees to pay $1,047.89 for the purpose of purchasing its <br />
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