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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for March 2, 2020 <br />Page 7 of 9 <br />unfavorable bid prices. The project was rebid, and bids were opened on Tuesday, January 28, <br />2020. <br />Erichson presented a PowerPoint showing the project location and explained the City did some <br />work on the City's street last fall, and paving needed to be done. There would be minor <br />shouldering work and connections to existing driveways. Erichson talked about a culvert <br />replacement that was not part of the bidding process. He explained that the Rice Creek <br />Watershed District would be cleaning and lowering the elevation of some of the ditches, and the <br />culvert would need to be at a different elevation, requiring culvert replacement be done prior to <br />the road improvements. Also considered as part of the project was an alternate bid for utility <br />extension for development of some property along Elmcrest, but the developer was no longer <br />interested in doing that. <br />Mark explained the engineer's estimate for the project was $733,757.20. There were six bids <br />received ranging from $700,636.80 - $968,304.25, with the low bidder being North Valley, Inc. <br />The estimate for Hugo's portion was $222,872.10, and the low bid was $206,286.07. Erichson <br />pointed out the low bid amount from last fall was $211,959.80, so this was considerably lower. <br />The Hugo bid also included $33,000 for the culvert replacement. Erichson recommend Council <br />approve the resolution recommending the City of Lino Lakes award the contract to North Valley, <br />Inc. Lino Lakes would be consider awarding the contract at its March 9th City Council meeting. <br />Weidt asked about the $33,000 issued for the culvert. He questioned if it was being shared with <br />or reimbursed by the RCWD. Erichson stated that it was the City's responsibility, but staff <br />would continue to have conversations with the RCWD as they work on the ditch maintenance <br />project. <br />Miron asked how the project would be communicated to Hugo residents since Lino Lakes was <br />managing the project. Erichson replied that once Lino Lakes awards the contract, the City would <br />be involved in the preconstruction and would be sending out detailed information on the project <br />to property owners. <br />Petryk asked about the reputation of North Valley, and Erichson replied they are a very reputable <br />contractor and do a lot of work in the community, most recently the Oneka Lake project. <br />Klein questioned the safety of pedestrians on the road and asked if there were any <br />accommodations being made for that. Erichson replied the roadway was currently 24' wide. <br />There will be some shouldering done, and they will stripe the road a little narrower. <br />Weidt made motion, Klein seconded. RESOLUTION NO. 2020 —14 RECEIVING BIDS AND <br />RECOMMENDING LINO LAKES AWARD A CONTRACT TO NORTH VALLEY, INC. <br />FOR THE EAST CEDAR STREET & 24TH AVENUE/ELMCREST AVENUE NORTH <br />IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />