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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for July 6, 2020 <br />Page 4 of 5 <br /> <br />North (CSAH 8). Public works facilities are considered a public service building and allowed in <br />the zoning district. The facility would include buildings for storage of salt and materials and <br />outdoor storage of gravel, dirt, and rock. There would be a fence and landscaping around the <br />perimeter of the site. <br /> <br />The Parks Commission had discussed this at their May 20, 2020, meeting and had concerns <br />regarding trails, access, and screening. Two neighborhood meetings had also been held and <br />comments were heard from residents about continued use of the trails and an increase in the <br />traffic on 140th Street. Residents also questioned why the City was planning for this facility <br />when a master plan for the park had not yet been completed. There were also suggestions for <br />moving the building to another location. The Public Works Director had explained to them that <br />the site was chosen because it was centrally located in the City on a County road, the City <br />already owned the property, and there was room for expansion. It was also noted the Parks <br />Commission would be working on a master plan for the park this year. The Planning <br />Commission discussed the new facility at their June 25, 2020, meeting and talked about access <br />and how the facility would blend into the existing park. They generally liked the design and the <br />plan and unanimously recommended approval. <br /> <br />Juba reviewed with Council the site plan explaining the Irish Avenue Park property is <br />approximately 125 acres in size, and the building and site improvements would take up <br />approximately ten acres. The area included space for an approximately 45,000 square foot <br />expansion of the building in the future. Washington County was presented the plans for review, <br />and comments were received regarding improvements to the county road that included turn <br />lanes. Staff would be working with them on an access permit. Juba reviewed the details of the <br />site and building layout. She stated the proposal met all the requirements necessary for the City <br />to approve the site plan as outlined in the City Code if the conditions in the approving resolution <br />were met. <br /> <br />Petryk asked if there would be any funding from Washington County for improvements to the <br />county road. Juba stated it would be the responsibility of the City, and it was included in the <br />budgeting, but the City would continue to work with the County. Petryk said she had heard <br />concerns about the park use and she was happy to see it was set back from the road and adjacent <br />properties with adequate landscaping for screening. There would be approximately 110 acres <br />remaining for the park. <br /> <br />Petryk made motion, Haas seconded, to approve RESOLUTION 2020-30 APPROVING A <br />SITE PLAN FOR THE CITY OF HUGO PUBLIC WORK DEPARTMENT FOR A PUBLIC <br />WORKS FACILITY ON THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 14420 140TH STREET NORTH <br /> <br />Roll call vote – all ayes. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Approve Resolution Authorizing Advertisement for Bids for Public Works Facility <br /> <br />Public Works Director Scott Anderson explained that Oertel Architects would have the final <br />design and bidding documents for the new Public Works facility completed by July 16th. Bid <br />packets would be available for distribution on July 20th. A bid opening date of August 11th was <br />expected. Council would then review the bids at their August 17, 2020, meeting and consider <br />award of the contract. Construction could begin in September, 2020. He recommended Council <br />authorize advertisement of bids for the construction of the new Public Works facility located at the