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April 23, 2020 PC Minutes <br />Page 2 <br />feet, where 125 feet is allowed by ordinance, flexibility to allow reduces parking space requirements, <br />and flexibility to allow parking side yard setback be 4.3 feet, where 5 feet is required by ordinance. In <br />exchange for this flexibility, the developer is exceeding the landscape requirements, preserving large, <br />existing trees on site, and constructing public trails along Egg Lake. <br />Staff stated that the redevelopment project is consistent with the downtown plan and design <br />guidelines, however, recommended that the applicant continue working with staff to ensure materials <br />and architecture is cohesive with the entire site. Staff also recommended the Planning Commissioners <br />discuss the trash enclosure location. The requests meet the criteria for approval for a PUD, preliminary <br />plat, and site plan subject to the conditions listed by staff in the resolution. Staff recommended the <br />Planning Commission approve the applications and open the public hearing. <br />The applicant, Tony Harmening, and Kathy Anderson from Architectural Consortium were available to <br />answer any questions. <br />Chair Kleissler opened the public hearing at 7:54 pm. <br />Staff Juba provided the comments from the neighboring property owner, Gary Holmgren, 14663 Forest <br />Blvd N, who stated on the phone that he is against a restaurant on the subject property. <br />No one else from the public provided comments and Chair Kleissler brought the discussion to the <br />Planning Commission. <br />The Planning Commissioners discussed the project and asked the applicant to provide more insight on <br />the materials of the restaurant. Anderson stated that the materials are meant to bring out the <br />steakhouse branding as well as incorporate the downtown design guidelines. The Commissioners also <br />discussed the trash enclosure location and generally agreed that although it's not an ideal location, <br />there does not seem to be a better option. The proposed landscaping should provide adequate <br />screening around the enclosure. <br />Chair Kleissler closed the public hearing at 8:10 pm. <br />The Planning Commissioners generally liked the project as a whole, and is confident with staff's ability <br />to finalize the building materials. The restaurant and event center will be a good fit for the community <br />and it utilizes the property well. <br />Commissioner Lessard made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Derr, to approve the PUD, <br />preliminary plat, and site plan submitted by Tony Harmening, subject to the conditions listed in the <br />resolution. <br />