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2020.08.03 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2020 CC Minutes
2020.08.03 CC Minutes
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9/22/2020 1:52:34 PM
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9/22/2020 1:52:02 PM
City Council
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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for August 3, 2020 <br />Page 2 of 6 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />billion for direct assistance to state governments based on their populations. On June 25, 2020, <br />Governor Watz distributed $841 million dollars of that money to county, cities, and townships <br />for Corona related virus expenses. Cities with a population of 200 or more were allowed to <br />receive $75.43 per capita. On June 29, 2020, the City submitted the certification form to the <br />Department of Revenue certifying the City’s intent to comply with the eligible use parameters <br />outlined in the CARES Act and requesting distributions of the City’s portion. On July 7, 2020, <br />the City received $1,148,713 from the MN Department of Revenue and has until November 15, <br />2020 to spend the funds on eligible expenses. After that the unspent funds needed to be sent to <br />the County. She provided details on the eligible purposes for CFR payments. The Finance <br />Department had prepared a proposed supplemental budget that met the criteria set forth by the <br />US Treasury Department. Included in the proposed budget were expenses for personal <br />protection, telework, audio visual and permitting upgrades. Reimbursement of cost will also <br />occur for employees pulled away from their regular duties to respond to the virus and for public <br />safety employees whose work was dedicated to addressing the public health emergency. Wobse <br />explained the budget was broken down between hard and soft costs, and staff had not budgeted <br />funds for small business grants because of the amount of support coming from other layers of <br />government, including Washington County who had allocated $10 million of their funds to assist <br />small businesses. St. Johns Hospital had submitted a request for $32,000 of the City’s funds to <br />cover non-reimbursable costs related to the virus. Wobse asked that Council discuss donations <br />to local hospitals and businesses and to provide details about a grant program and establish <br />dollar amounts. Staff would then adjust the draft budget. She asked that Council then approve <br />the resolution adopting the CARES Act Funding Budget. <br /> <br />Haas said it would be a huge mistake to only fund City expenses already covered by the tax levy <br />and not leave any funds available for small business that have had tremendous hardships. <br /> <br />Miron responded that businesses could participate in multi-layers of grant programs from the <br />federal, state, and county government. He asked how the process worked in terms of quantifying <br />expenses and if it would only apply to additional expenses beyond what businesses have already <br />received funding for. <br /> <br />Bear responded that it was all federal money to be used for expenses related to the corona virus. <br />Expenses would need to be documented and shown they had not already been reimbursed. If the <br />City implemented a program, the City would need to make sure they were not already covered <br />by another program. <br /> <br />Miron said he was in favor of allocating resources for a grant program if the process was simple. <br />He asked if staff was working with business on existing grant programs, and if the resolution <br />was modified tonight to allocate money for small business grants and the City found there were <br />not enough applications to use it, could another resolution passed to reallocate back to the <br />proposed budget. <br /> <br />Bear responded that the business community had not been reaching out to the City. Businesses <br />had been successful in receiving other resources that were made available. Bear suggested if the <br />City created its own program, it should be vetted by the EDA and should be easy to administer
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