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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for August 3, 2020 <br />Page 5 of 6 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Klein asked if the credits accumulated over time. If the City uses them year after year, could <br />they be replace in the future. Kendra explained there was a onetime allotment of credits for each <br />of the systems. If the City did additional monitoring on the system for three years and showed <br />they were getting more irrigation out of the irrigation systems than what was originally <br />permitted, additional credits could be created. <br /> <br />Miron asked if the RCWD was only considering the systems the City had on-line now, and <br />would the RCWD automatically credit the City for additional systems built. Fallon replied that <br />they would, and the City would be given an annual update. <br /> <br />Mark added that the City intended to utilize these credits but could sell to developments that <br />can’t meet the requirements. The City’s road projects were challenging, and the City could <br />reduce the cost of road projects by using these credits. He also pointed out that if credits were <br />generated in one area, they needed to be utilized in the same area. <br /> <br />Weidt made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve RESOLUTION 2020-36 APPROVING THE <br />CITY OF HUGO COMPREHENSIVE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN. <br /> <br />Roll call vote – all ayes. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Update on Yellow Ribbon Network <br /> <br />Council Member Chuck Haas and Phil Klein reported to Council on the Yellow Ribbon Network <br />activities held recently. Five hundred pounds of care package items were sent to Africa, which <br />brings the total items shipped since 2012 to over 60,000 pounds. On Sunday, the YRN would be <br />hosting a deployment event with the Stillwater YRN for approximately 150 soldiers, and Haas <br />thanked the donators and volunteers. Members of the National Guard would be deployed over <br />the next week, and they looked forward to hosting them. The YRN partnered with the St. Paul <br />YRN to provide a plumber for repairs, and members of Wild Wings were donating pheasants to <br />soldiers in St. Cloud. <br /> <br />Reschedule the September 7, 2020 City Council Meeting to Tuesday, September 8, 2020 <br /> <br />Each year, the Hugo City Council has to reschedule its first meeting in September due to the Labor <br />Day Federal Holiday. City Administrator Bryan Bear recommended Council reschedule their <br />regular Council meeting on Monday, September 7th to Tuesday, September 8th due to the Labor <br />Day Holiday. <br /> <br />Miron made motion, Klein seconded, to reschedule the first meeting in September to Tuesday, <br />September 8, 2020. <br /> <br />Roll call vote – all ayes. Motion carried. <br /> <br /> <br />