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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for August 17, 2020 <br />Page 2 of 9 <br /> <br />information to residents on those topics. <br /> <br />Another concern was high water elevations and flooding. Direction they received from residents <br />was to protect water quality and re-shift strategies to better work on aquatic invasive species and <br />continue ensuring lakes, rivers and streams were clean. For the first time, the top priority of the <br />watershed district would be enforcement to protect water quality and shore land development. <br />The district was putting together a panel that included other watershed districts, the Conservation <br />District that is in charge of enforcing the Conservation Act, and other stakeholders to see where <br />the gaps were and what could be done together to better address these gaps and enforce the rules. <br /> <br />Haas appreciated they reached out to residents to get information on was important to them. <br /> <br />Update on COVID-19 City Response and Approve Resolution Approving Grant <br />Agreement for Election Expenses <br /> <br />City Administrator Bryan Bear provided an update on the City’s response to the COVID <br />pandemic and requested approval of a resolution approving a grant agreement with Washington <br />County for election expenses. <br /> <br />Bear stated the City remained under the State of Emergency, and he talked about the recent <br />executive orders requiring the wearing of masks and the reopening of schools. Meetings <br />continued to be conducted virtually, and he informed members of the public how they could <br />participate. He talked about changes that needed to be made to the audio visual equipment to <br />conduct hybrid meetings. <br /> <br />He talked about the CARES Act Federal Funding that was discussed at the Council’s last <br />meeting. As a result, the EDA would be discussing business grants at their meeting on August 8, <br />2020, and Council would need to make a decision on September 8. Staff was moving forward <br />with AV upgrades and heating and cooling system improvements. He talked about the CARES <br />Act Election Grant that was also providing funds though the Secretary of State’s Office to <br />respond to the pandemic for the 2020 election. The County was applying for a block grant to <br />distribute those funds to local municipalities. The City of Hugo’s share of the grant money was <br />$6,129.66 to be used for personal protection equipment, sanitizing supplies, additional election <br />judges, and implementation of social distancing requirements. The City was required to provide <br />a 20% match, and that could come from the City’s CARES Funds. Unused funds would to be <br />returned to Washington County for cost related to absentee ballots. He requested the Council <br />approve a resolution approving the grant agreement with the county to cover expenses for cost <br />related to the elections. <br /> <br />Miron made motion, Klein seconded, to approve RESOLUTION 2020-37 APPROVING <br />GRANT AGREEMENT WITH WASHINGTON COUNTY TO RECOVER ADDED <br />EXPENSES INCURRED WITH THE 2020 ELECTION PROCESS DUE TO THE COVID-19 <br />PANDEMIC. <br /> <br />Roll call vote – all ayes. Motion carried. <br /> <br />