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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for October 5, 2020 <br />Page 5 of 9 <br /> <br />funds. Steinman informed Council that S&P had affirmed the City’s AA+ rating. He <br />recommended Council accept the bid for 1.62% from Robert W. Barid and Company, Inc. <br /> <br />Weidt made motion, Klein seconded, to approve RESOLUTION 2020- 57 PROVIDING FOR <br />THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF $8,000,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION CAPITAL <br />IMPROVEMENT PLAN BONDS, SERIES 2020A AND LEVYING A TAX FOR THE <br />PAYMENT THEREOF. <br />Roll call vote – all ayes. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Goodview Avenue Improvement Project Assessment Hearing <br /> <br />At its September 8, 2020 meeting, the Council adopted the resolution declaring costs to be <br />assessed for the Goodview Avenue Improvement Project, and scheduled the hearing on the <br />proposed assessments for this evening. The Notice of Assessment Hearing has been published in <br />the official newspaper and mailed to the owners of each parcel described in the assessment roll at <br />least two weeks prior to the hearing. City Engineer Mark Erichson presented a summary of the <br />project, the assessment process, and related costs of the project. Work was generally completed <br />except for the second lift, gravel shouldering work, restoration, and striping that would be <br />complete in the next week. <br /> <br />Weidt asked about the shoulders and having room for pedestrians. Erichson recalled discussions <br />during the public input process regarding speed and room for pedestrians on the side of the <br />roadway. The roadway existed as 24 feet wide and was increased to provide more room. A 50 <br />mile per hour road had primarily 11 feet wide lanes, and they were looking at striping it to 10- <br />foot wide lanes which would provide 3-foot wide shoulders. Speed on the road would be <br />discussed later in the meeting. Haas questioned if it would be better to have a shoulder on one <br />side small and larger on the other side. Erichson explained that walkers travel opposite the flow <br />of traffic and bicycles go with traffic, so it was felt both sides should be uniform. He explained <br />it was not identified as a pedestrian trail and did not meet the State Aid requirement as a street <br />with pedestrian facility. <br /> <br />Erichson explained overall project costs were estimated to be $929,600 with $137,700 paid for <br />by assessments and the rest from City Capital Improvement Fund and State Aid since 125th <br />Street to the north was a state aid roadway. <br /> <br />He explained the appeal process and presented three objections that were received. He discussed <br />the memo from Grace Axelson who owned the 80 acre parcel at the corner of Goodview and <br />125th Street. Council discussed their concern over their large parcel that was to receive five <br />assessments. Erichson explained it was based on the number of accesses onto Goodview if <br />subdivided. In the memo, the Shooting Range Protection Act was referenced which discussed a <br />required 750 foot perimeter around the property that limited their building area. Erichson said <br />that was taken into consideration. Juba explained the Act required a 750 foot buffer around the <br />property line of a shooting range, but there were things that could be done to reduce the impact <br />and allow buildings to be closer. Erichson read the portion of the email that talked about the <br />parcel being one PID number and the owner felt it should get one assessment. He explained that <br />was contrary to the Assessment Policy which looked at future buildable land, not just the PID. <br />He said the memo further explained their intention to keep the property greenspace. Erichson <br />said the property was in green acres and assessments would not be due immediately, but interest