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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for October 5, 2020 <br />Page 7 of 9 <br /> <br /> <br />Lions Park Design Development Consultant Contracts <br />  <br />Parks Planner Shayla Denaway shared three proposals from different consultants for the design <br />of Lions Park. She shared a picture of the master plan and provided background on the meetings <br />held regarding the development of the park. Most recently, the Council approved the apartment <br />project adjacent to Lions Park and the 2021 street improvement feasibility study, which all <br />related to the park. <br /> <br />The first proposal was from WSB for the pavilion and playground areas at a cost of $57,000. <br />The Parks Commission reviewed and recommended approval of this proposal at their August 18, <br />2020, meeting. The proposal included working with two different state holder committees. <br /> <br />The second proposal was $83,300 from WSB to design the parking lot, stormwater, trails and <br />sidewalks, community sports pad and to relocate the skate park. The Parks Commission had <br />reviewed this at their September 16, 2020 meeting and recommended approval. <br /> <br />The third consultant proposal was for the pavilion architect. Three proposals were received, and <br />the interview panel recommended HCM Architects who had the most experience with similar <br />projects and had worked with WSB before. Their proposal was for $20,900. She noted that none <br />of the proposals included construction documents or construction administration. The proposals <br />would take the design to the 50% stage and provide more reliable costs. <br /> <br />She provided next steps that included a meeting with the Lions Club and a community workshop <br />for the design of the park. Stakeholder group members would be on their October 19, 2020 <br />meeting for approval. The design process would start at the end of October. Designs would go to <br />the Parks Commission in January 2021 and Council in February 2021. The Council could then <br />authorize the preparation of the construction documents and allow for bid, bonding, and <br />construction in the summer of 2021. <br /> <br />Weidt made motion, Klein seconded, to approve the hiring of WSB and HCM Architects. <br /> <br />Roll call vote – all ayes. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Approve Resolution Reducing the Speed Limit on Goodview Avenue North <br /> <br />In May 2019, Minnesota State Legislature passed a bill granting cities the authority to set speed <br />limits under their jurisdiction. This statute went into effect August 1, 2019. City Engineer Mark <br />Erichson provided Council background information on the speed limit rules and what next steps <br />they would need to follow to implement a speed change on Goodview Avenue South of Egg <br />Lake Road. Goodview Avenue (south of County Road 8) was currently posted as a 50 MPH <br />roadway. Improvements completed along the roadway with the 2020 Goodview Avenue Street <br />Improvement project included widening the road from a 24-foot width to a 26-foot width. To <br />accommodate MnDOT’s policy for a State Aid roadway with a design speed of 50 MPH or <br />higher, the wider roadway allowed for two 11-foot driving lanes and two 2-foot paved shoulders. <br />Erichson said if the City was in favor of reducing speed limit on Goodview Avenue to 40 MPH <br />(consistent with Goodview Avenue north of County Road 8), the driving lane could be reduced <br />to 10 feet, allowing an additional foot of paved shoulder on both sides of the roadway. The <br />wider shoulder would provide a safer route for pedestrians and bicyclists, which was a large