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Minutes for the Planning Commission Meeting of Thursday, August 13, 2020 <br />Meeting held remotely pursuant Minn. Stat. Sec. 1313.021 <br />Chair Kleissler called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. <br />PRESENT: Arcand, Derr, Fry, Kleissler, Lessard, Mulvihill, Tjernlund. <br />ABSENT: Luchsinger. <br />STAFF: Rachel Juba, Community Development Director <br />Emily Weber, Community Development Assistant <br />Pledge of Allegiance. <br />Approval of Minutes for the Planning Commission Meeting of June 25, 2020 <br />Commissioner Arcand made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Fry to approve minutes for the <br />meeting of June 25, 2020. <br />Ayes: Arcand, Derr, Fry, Kleissler, Lessard, Mulvihill, Tjernlund. <br />Nay: None. Motion carried. <br />Public Hearing: Katherine and Benjamin Robinson, 4444 129th Street North — Conditional use permit <br />amendment request to continue the boat rental operations on the property. <br />Staff provided background on the conditional use permit amendment request for 4444 129th Street <br />North to continue their boat rental business on Bald Eagle Lake. The previous approval is from 1993 <br />and outlines the conditions is shall operate under. In general the property and use has been in <br />compliance with the permit and staff has not received any complaints on the property for several <br />years. <br />The applicant has a contract with the existing owner to purchase the property and will continue to <br />operate the business. The Robinsons are looking to revise the number of boats they are allowed to rent <br />and revise the types of boats. They are also looking to revise the length of the dock. Staff outlined all of <br />the proposed revisions and recommended approval of the revisions. Staff also recommended that the <br />Planning Commission open up the public hearing and take all comments. <br />The applicants, Katy and Ben Robinson, addressed the Planning Commission and stated they are <br />excited to continue operating the boat rental property as a family business. The current owner Marty <br />Weber also addressed the Planning Commission and stated his support. <br />