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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for November 16, 2020 <br />Page 2 of 6 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />doors. Bear updated Council on the CARES money that was approved by Council saying $171,635 <br />was distributed to 19 businesses. <br /> <br />Bear talked about requests received from businesses to reduce on-sales liquor license fees. Licenses <br />fees are intended to cover the costs of issuing and inspecting and other directly related costs of <br />enforcement. He noted that bars and restaurants were limited to 50% capacity under the governor’s <br />order. If the City were to reduce all on-sale licenses by 50%, there would be a reduction in revenue <br />of $7,000. Bear stated that staff was comfortable with the reduction. Off-sale licenses had not been <br />impacted in the same way. <br /> <br />Haas made motion, Miron seconded, to waive 50% of the on-sale liquor license fees for 2021. <br /> <br />After discussion, Miron rescinded his seconded to the motion. <br /> <br />Haas amended his motion, Miron seconded the amended motion, to waiving all on-sale liquor <br />license fees for 2021. <br /> <br />Roll call vote – all ayes. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Hugo Good Neighbor Food Shelf Update and Request for Fee Waivers – President Chris <br />Dufresne <br /> <br />Hugo Good Neighbors Food Shelf Board President Chris Dufresne provided an update on the <br />food shelf. He explained their mission was to provide food to families in the 55038 zip code, <br />which included Hugo, Centerville and portions of White Bear Lake and Lino Lakes. They have <br />distributed over 91,000 pounds of food to date, and there had been an 18% increase over the <br />same period of time last year. They saw 16 new clients last week alone, and that number was <br />expected to increase. Seventy-two households will be receiving Thanksgiving baskets. Dufresne <br />provided information on their planned expansion to the existing building to include a walk-in <br />cooler and freezer unit. This would allow them to provide perishable foods and buy in bulk <br />when prices are lowest. The food shelf had received a Community Development Block Grant <br />through Washington County for 50% of the cost for the expansion. Other funds were raised <br />through fund-raising efforts. The food shelf was requesting the City Council waive City’s <br />administrative fees for the permits and site plan review. This would not include any SAC or <br />WAC fees, Met Council fees, electrical permit fees, or engineering review fees. Bear noted that <br />the City had also waived their fees in 2014 for construction of the existing food shelf building. <br />Dufresne provided ways for those in need to contact them and information on how to support the <br />Food Shelf. He thanked all the food shelf supporters. <br /> <br />Tom made motion, Klein seconded, to waive the administrative fees for the site plan for the <br />Hugo Good Neighbors Food Shelf building addition. <br /> <br />Ayes: Haas, Klein, Petryk, Weidt. <br />Nays: none <br />Abstain: Miron (lost internet connection to virtual meeting) <br />Motion carried. <br /> <br />