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2020.12.07 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2020 CC Minutes
2020.12.07 CC Minutes
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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for December 7, 2020 <br />Page 6 of 7 <br /> <br /> <br />Weidt made motion, Miron seconded, to approve RESOLUTION 2020-68 APPROVING THE <br />GENERAL FUND BUDGET FOR THE 2021 FISCAL YEAR. <br /> <br />Roll call vote – all ayes. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Miron made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve RESOLUTION 2020-69 APPROVING <br />FINAL TAX LEVY PAYABLE IN 2021. <br /> <br />Roll Call vote – all ayes. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Approve Goodview Avenue Trail Feasibility Study <br /> <br />Parks Planner Shayla Denaway provided information on the Goodview Avenue Trail Feasibility <br />Study. The City was awarded $10,000 through the Statewide Health Initiative Program (SHIP) <br />through Washington County to study the feasibility of a trail in the Goodview Avenue area. The <br />Council had approve a proposal from WSB in May, 2020, to do the study. The scope of the study <br />was along Goodview Avenue between Geneva Avenue and Egg Lake Road, and north to 145th <br />Street. There is a sidewalk at the north end of the project area connecting to Oneka Lake <br />Boulevard, and a sidewalk to the south along Egg Lake Road that connects to the Hardwood <br />Creek Regional Trail. At their meeting of August 18, 2020, the Parks Commission reviewed and <br />provided input on a wetland delineation and trail options drafted from WSB. At the meeting on <br />September 16, 2020, the Parks Commission identified that an 8’ trail on the west side of <br />Goodview Avenue with a 5’ shoulder was preferred. The trail between 145th Street and Geneva <br />Avenue was estimated at $1.4 - $1.8 million, and the segment from Geneva to Egg Lake Road <br />was estimated at $500,000 - $650,000. The Parks Commission was not interested in <br />constructing either of these trail segments due to the cost, but would like to construct them in the <br />future if grant funding or other source of funding became available. The Commission <br />recommended Council approve the Goodview Avenue Trail Feasibility Study which would <br />allow the City to apply for grants in the future. <br /> <br />Weidt made motion, Klein seconded, to approve the Goodview Avenue Trail Feasibility <br />Study. <br /> <br />Roll call vote – all ayes. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Approve Purchase Agreement for City Owned Property <br /> <br />Community Development Director Rachel Juba provided information on the City owned <br />property along Egg Lake Road. The EDA has been meeting with Mr. Dennis Trooien over the <br />last few months who was interested in developing the property. They discussed with him the <br />development criteria that would allow him to purchase the property for $1. Trooien had been in <br />contact with the City’s financial advisor, Baker Tilly, and the City attorney. The EDA <br />commented on the concept plan and terms of the purchase agreement at their October meeting <br />and directed staff to work with Trooien on the purchase. She showed the concept plan that <br />included pad sights for restaurants, retail, and two buildings for mixed use. There was also an <br />area shown in the middle of the site for a common place along the lake with a dock area. She <br />stated there was still an approval process to go through but it was staff’s opinion the plan would
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