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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for January 4, 2021 <br />Page 6 of 8 <br />Approve Resolutions Approving Preliminary Plat, Final Plat, CUP, Site Plan, Variance, <br />and Easement Vacation for the property located at 130th Street North and Fenway <br />Boulevard North <br />Victor Land Holdings, LLC, (JL Schwieters) had requested approval of a preliminary plat, final <br />plat, CUP, and site plan for three one-story office/warehouse buildings totaling 38,800 square <br />feet. The three buildings would have a total of 14 office/manufacturing/warehouse units. The <br />applicant also requested a variance from the commercial and industrial construction standards to <br />allow the buildings to be built with architectural metal panels, where architecturally enhanced <br />concrete panel, architecturally enhanced masonry block, masonry with block, masonry with <br />exterior insulation and finish system (EIFS), brick, dressed stoned or glass are required by <br />ordinance. There were drainage and utility easements on the property that were not applicable to <br />the project and would be vacated with this project. New drainage and utility easements would be <br />placed over the required areas such as the stormwater management facilities. The Planning <br />Commissioners generally liked the plans and the overall design of the building, including the <br />architectural metal panel building material. They found the applications met all the requirements <br />necessary to approve the applications. The Planning Commission unanimously approved the <br />applications, subject to the conditions in the resolutions, with the revision to the site plan <br />resolution to remove the requirement to add brick, stone, or block (or like material) three feet in <br />height to the building. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2021-2 <br />APPROVING A PRELIMINARY PLAT, FINAL PLAT, AND SITE PLAN FOR VICTOR <br />LAND HOLDINGS, LLC, FOR THREE OFFICE/MANUFACTURING/WAREOUSE <br />BUILDINGS ON THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF 130TH <br />STREET NORTH AND FENWAY BOULEVARD NORTH, and RESOLUTION 2021-3 <br />APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR VICTOR LAND HOLDINGS, LLC, TO <br />ALLOW A CAMPUS DEVELOPMENT ON THE PROPERTIES LOCATED ON THE <br />NORTHEAST CORNER OF 130TH STREET NORTH AND FENWAY BOULEVARD <br />NORTH, and RESOLUTION 2021-4 APPROVING A VARIANCE FOR VICTOR LAND <br />HOLDINGS, LLC FOR THREE OFFICE/WAREHOUSE BUILDINGS ON THE PROPERTY <br />LOCATED NORTHEAST OF 130TH STREET NORTH AND FENWAY BOULEVARD <br />NORTH. <br />Approve Resolution Approving Site Plan for Hugo Good Neighbors Food Shelf at 15106 <br />Francesca Avenue North <br />The applicant, nai Architects, Inc., had requested approval of a 400 square foot addition to an <br />existing building located at 15106 Francesca Avenue North. The owner and occupant of the site <br />is the Hugo Good Neighbors Food Shelf. The existing building on site was 1,455 square feet and <br />was approved in 2014. The Hugo Planning Commission discussed the request at their December <br />17, 2020 regularly scheduled meeting and generally thought the applicant did a good job at <br />incorporating the addition to the existing building and recommended approval of the site plan for <br />the Hugo Good Neighbors Food Shelf. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved <br />RESOLUTION 2021-5 APPROVING A SITE PLAN FOR NAI ARCHITECTS INC. ON <br />BEHALF OF HUGO GOOD NEIGHBORS FOOD SHELF FOR CONSTRUCTION OF AN <br />ADDITION TO THE EXISTING BUILDING ON THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 15106 <br />FRANCESCA AVENUE NORTH. <br />