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14669 Fitzgerald Avenue North- Hugo, MN 55038 <br />Minutes <br />HUGO CITY COUNCIL <br />GOAL SETTING SESSION <br />HUGO CITY HALL/REMOTE MEETING <br />TUESDAY. JANUARY 19.2021— 6 P.M. <br />Meeting was held remotely pursuant to MN Statute Sec. 13D.021. <br />ZOOM Meeting ID: 892 9322 7333 <br />Passcode: 679522 <br />Mayor Weidt called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. <br />COUNCIL PRESENT REMOTELY: Haas, Klein, Miron, Petryk, Weidt <br />COUNCIL ABSENT: None <br />OTHERS PRESENT REMOTELY: Finance Director Ron Otkin, Community Development <br />Director Rachel Juba, Finance Coordinator Anna Wobse, City Engineer Mark Erichson, Fire <br />Chief Jim Compton Jr., Assistant Fire Chief Dave Jensen, Building Official Joel Hoistad <br />PRESENT AT CITY HALL: City Administrator Bryan Bear, City Clerk Michele Lindau <br />City Administrator Bryan Bear began by stating that much of the work plan had been <br />predetermined. A big project for 2021 was the Lions Park project that should be under <br />construction in June. Committees were working on the pavilion and playground site amenities. <br />Budgeting was ongoing and bonding steps needed to be done. Related to the park was the <br />downtown street reconstruction project that included right-of-way and easement acquisitions. <br />Also taking place at the same time will be an apartment project adjacent west of the park and the <br />CSAH 8 water reuse project that will serve many sites in the park area. The City Hall parking lot <br />will be redeveloped. The playground equipment will be moved to Beaver Ponds Park and that <br />site will need to be prepared. <br />There was a purchase agreement for the Egg Lake property across from City Hall for <br />development. The new Public Works facility will be under construction throughout 2021. There <br />will be discussions on what will happen to the rest of Irish Avenue Park. Time will be spent on <br />the WBL lawsuit, and it is not anticipated it will be appealed so the original ruling provisions <br />would still be in effect, and that will hamper the City's work on water conservation. He talked <br />about the work attached to the successful bond referendum in the White Bear Lake School <br />District that included a new elementary school, addition to Oneka Lake Elementary, conversion <br />of Hugo elementary to an early childcare center, and potentially the reuse of the existing Public <br />Works facility as the grounds maintenance facility for the school district. He talked about <br />technology improvements that included new AV equipment, transition to online permitting, and <br />the change to new radio read water meters. COVIDI9 had impacted the City's day to day <br />operations, and some time had been spent on protest activities during the summer. <br />Weidt asked that staff include in goals discussion with Washington County Sheriff's Department <br />on staffing. Bear stated the Sheriff will provide their annual report this spring. <br />Klein asked if there would be a negative impact with the White Bear Lake court order. Bear <br />replied it was counter intuitive, requiring the City to focus on formulas and creating plans the <br />City would not use. Efforts would be directed in an unproductive use of time, and it could result <br />in a lot of court time. <br />