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2021.02.01 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2021 CC Minutes
2021.02.01 CC Minutes
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12/7/2021 11:24:33 AM
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3/15/2021 11:14:13 AM
City Council
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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for February 1, 2021 <br />Page 5 of 9 <br />147th Street. There was also a purchase agreement for the City owned property along Highway <br />61, and the City will be doing a water reuse project on CSAH 8. The City will be exploring <br />potential staffing needs at the Fire Department and evaluating staffing needs at the Sheriff's <br />Department. Bear stated that staff also anticipated spending time managing the COVID-19 <br />Pandemic. <br />Klein made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve the 2021 City Focus Goals and Ongoing <br />Priorities. <br />Roll call vote — all ayes. Motion carried <br />Approve Lions Park Pavilion and Park Design and Authorize Construction Documents <br />City Administrator Bryan Bear began by explaining how the next three agenda items were <br />interconnected and asked Council to consider each one individually but recommended <br />proceeding with all these projects together. Lions Park redevelopment, street and parking <br />improvements, and the stormwater reuse project were all dependent on each other and involved <br />several funding sources. Bear stated it would be a priority to keep things moving and on <br />schedule. <br />Planner Shayla Denaway provided background on work done on the redevelopment of Lions <br />Park. At the City Council meeting of October 5, 2020, proposals from WSB and Associates and <br />HCM Architects were approved to develop the design of Lions Park to 50%. A community <br />workshop was held on October 12, 2020. At the City Council meeting of October 19, 2020, <br />three stakeholder committees were formed to design the playground, pavilion, and overall park <br />site. At the meeting of January 20, 2021, the Parks Commission reviewed the committees' <br />recommendations and recommended Council review and approve the Lions Park pavilion and <br />park designs. Proposals were received from WSB and HCM to draft construction documents, <br />and the Parks Commission recommended Council authorize this. <br />Matt Lysne with HCM Architects presented the design for the pavilion and layout showing how <br />the City Hall parking lot was redesigned with the new park building at the west end. Key <br />features were the axis arrangement with the parking lot, City Hall and the large gathering space <br />all in alignment. He showed the building layout and explained how it flowed with entry out to <br />pavilion, garden spaces, and playground structures. There was a large community gathering <br />room that would seat around 120 people. A catering service room with windows was shown <br />connected to the gathering room that would also be accessible from outside. The building had <br />large windows facing east and large doors to the north. There were also doors opening to the <br />west that led into an outdoor seating area. The lobby would act as a hub to a small and a large <br />meeting room. He showed where the mechanical room, janitor's room, large storage room, and <br />restrooms were located and explained there would also be restrooms at the west end of the <br />building with only outdoor access. There was also a large picnic shelter attached to the building. <br />Lysne showed the building elevations and color renderings pointing out there would be a lot of <br />windows to let light in. The exterior would be red brick and limestone similar to City Hall. <br />There would be light gray metal panel components on the sides of the building and white framed <br />windows. The large overhang on the north side of the building would have a wood ceiling to <br />bring in warmer tones. <br />
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