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Minutes <br />HUGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br />HUGO CITY HALL/HYBRID MEETING <br />14969 Fitzgerald Avenue North • Hugo. MN SS038 MONDAY. APRIL 5. 2021 — 7 P.M. <br />The Council meeting was held using a hybrid model consisting of in -person and virtual via <br />ZOOM, pursuant to MN Statute Sec. 13D.021. <br />Meeting ID # 822 3995 9951 <br />Passcode: 210067 <br />Call to Order <br />Mayor Weidt called the meeting to order at 7: 00 p.m. <br />COUNCIL PRESENT IN CHAMBERS: Klein, Miron, Weidt <br />COUNCIL PRESENT REMOTELY: Haas, Petryk <br />OTHERS PRESENT AT CITY HALL: City Administrator Bryan Bear, Development Director <br />Rachel Juba City Clerk Michele Lindau <br />OTHERS PRESENT REMOTELY: City Engineer Mark Erichson, Community Development <br />Assistant Emily Weber <br />City Administrator Bryan Bear reviewed the protocols for hybrid meetings <br />Approval of Minutes for the March 15, 2021 City Council Meeting <br />Miron made motion, Miron seconded, to approve the minutes for the City Council meeting held <br />on March 15, 2021, as presented. <br />Roll call vote — all ayes. Motion carried. <br />Approval of Agenda <br />Weidt made motion, Miron seconded, to approve the agenda as presented. <br />Roll call vote — all ayes. Motion carried. <br />Washington County Assessor's Report — Assessor Dan Squyres <br />Washington County Assessor Dan Squyres attended the meeting to provide information on the <br />County's Assessor's report as it pertains to Hugo and answer questions by the Council in <br />preparation for the Board of Appeals and Adjustments meeting on April 8, 2021. Squyres began <br />by reviewing the cycles during the year saying market value statements had gone out in March, <br />and the appeals period was taking place now. He explained when and how properties were <br />reviewed and stated he would be reviewing over 1,800 this year in Hugo. There were 161 new <br />homes constructed last year, up from 101 the previous year, and one new commercial start. He <br />explained how they do sales analysis and adjust property values. There were over 4,000 sales in <br />Washington County last year, and 323 "arm's length" transactions in Hugo, which do not include <br />