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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for April 19, 2021 <br />Page 3 of 6 <br />Good Neighbor Days Festival — Lions Club Members Jason Schwieger <br />Jason Schwieger, Assistant President of the Hugo Lions Club presented to Council information <br />on their plan to hold the Hugo Good Neighbor Days Festival on Friday, June 11 — Sunday, June <br />13, 2021 at Lions Park. He explained how they were working on holding the event in a safe <br />manner due to COVID, and he acknowledged they may have to delete some activities. There <br />were plans for a beer garden, petting zoo, fireworks, parade, craft fair, bags tournament and rib <br />contest on Saturday. Grundhofer Meats would be donating ribs. The Lions were not planning on <br />using the kitchen since they were getting ready for the building to be torn down with the <br />improvements to Lions Park, so they will be using the Centerville Lions Club's food trailer. Due <br />to COVID, there would be more washing stations, Plexiglas dividers, and sanitation stations. He <br />stated they would be waiting for the last action plan from the governor before creating their <br />COVID plan. Council expressed appreciation for all the Lions do in putting on this event. <br />Schwieger asked Council to waive the Special Event Permit and provide police services for the <br />event as in the past. <br />Haas made motion, Klein seconded, to waive the Special Event Permit and provide police <br />services for the event with the review and approval by staff of their COVID plan. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Washington County Sheriffs Office Annual Report — Sheriff Dan Starry <br />Washington County Sheriff Dan Starry was in attendance to present the Sheriff's Department <br />annual report. He began by commending Ron Gray on his 40 years of service to the Hugo Fire <br />Department. <br />Starry talked about being with the Sheriff's Office since 1993, saying it was an honor being <br />elected the 30th Sheriff of Washington County. He introduced Chief Deputy Anschutz, newly <br />assigned Patrol Commander Tim Harris, and Hugo Sergeant Joe Zerwas. He talked about the <br />eight deputies that work hard to serve everyone who lived and worked in Hugo. <br />Starry presented the guiding principles they use to build trust and collaboration in the community <br />and serve with fairness, respect, and impartiality. The explained the budget for Hugo in 2021 <br />was just over $1.2 million dollars, which came to $79.10 cost per capita. He talked about the <br />new challenges in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the civil unrest due to the Chauvin <br />trial saying an East Metro Readiness Group was formed to address requests for services. He said <br />hiring during this time has been a challenge with the applicant pool decreasing. He provided <br />trends in Washington County saying there had been an increase of calls for persons in crisis, <br />speeding, theft of vehicles, driving while impaired, and no increase in overdose deaths. There <br />were six in Hugo last year. He explained ways they were responding to each of those trends <br />saying they created special units and received grants to assist in DWI and speeding enforcement. <br />They also provide assistance to those struggling with opioids. He talked about the Drug <br />Takeback Program and how they collected over 35 tons of medication since the program began <br />in 2013. Ten barrels of were collected in Hugo alone last year. He thanked the City for <br />partnering with them. He explained there were 8,421 calls for service last year and 5,433 <br />