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Minutes <br />HUGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br />HUGO CITY HALL/HYBRID MEETING <br />14969 Fitzgerald Avenue North • Hugo. MN SS038 MONDAY. MAY 3, 2021— 7 P.M. <br />The Council meeting was held using a hybrid model consisting of in -person and virtual via <br />ZOOM, pursuant to MN Statute Sec. 13D.021. <br />Call to Order <br />Mayor Weidt called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. <br />COUNCIL PRESENT: Haas, Klein, Miron, Petryk, Weidt <br />OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Bryan Bear, Development Director Rachel Juba, City <br />Attorney Dave Snyder, City Engineer Mark Erichson, Community Development Assistant Emily <br />Weber, Planner Shayla Denaway <br />Moment of Silence for Sergeant Joe Bergeron <br />Mayor Weidt called for a moment of silence in remembrance of Hugo resident and Maplewood <br />Police Sergeant Joe Bergeron, who was killed in the line of duty on May 1, 2010. <br />Approval of Minutes for the April 19, 2021, City Council Meeting <br />Klein made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve the minutes for the Council meeting held on <br />April 19, 2021, as presented. <br />Roll call vote — all ayes. Motion carried. <br />Approval of Agenda <br />Weidt made motion, Klein seconded, to approve the agenda as presented. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Approval of Consent Agenda <br />Klein made motion, Miron seconded, to approve the following consent agenda: <br />1. Approve Claims Roster <br />2. Approve Annual Performance Review for Parks Planner Shayla Denaway <br />3. Approve Donation to the Hugo Fire Department from the Hugo American Legion <br />4. Approve Contract with HCM Architects for Construction of a Pavilion at Lions Park <br />5. Award of 2021 Dust Control Contract <br />6. Approve Meadows of Hugo Final Plat and Development Agreement <br />7. Approve Wetland Replacement Plan for The Meadows at Hugo Residential Development <br />