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City of Hugo – Special Event Description <br />2021 Bike MS: MS 150 – Saturday, June 12 <br /> <br />• Estimated number of persons to attend. 1500 riders <br />• Duration of the special event, including beginning and ending times. Route will open as early as 6:00 a.m.; route <br />expected to close at 5:00 p.m. <br />• Any public health plans, including supplying water to the site, solid waste collections and provisions of toilet <br />facilities, if applicable. See attached for COVID-19 Preparedness Plan. <br />• Any fire prevention and emergency medical services plans, if applicable. First aid will be available at each rest <br />stop as well as Incident Response Teams roaming the route. <br />• Any security plans, if applicable. Local Police Departments and County Sheriff’s will assist with intersection and <br />traffic control, where needed. <br />• The admission fee, donation or other consideration to be charged or requested for admission, if applicable. <br />Registration fee and fundraising minimum required to participate. <br />• Whether food or alcohol will be served or sold at the event. Food will be given away; we will not charge for food <br />or alcohol. <br />• A detailed description of all public right-of-way and private streets for which the applicant requests the city to <br />restrict or alter normal parking, vehicular traffic or pedestrian traffic patterns, the nature of such restrictions or <br />alterations, parking and traffic management plan will be required if applicable. None – riders will co-exist with <br />vehicles, pedestrians, and other forms of travel on all roadways and trails. <br />• A description of any services, city personnel, city equipment and city property which the applicant requests the <br />city to provide, including the applicant’s estimate of the number and type needed, and the basis on which the <br />estimate is made. Will connect with Washington County Sheriff for review of route. <br />• Whether any sound amplification or public address system will be used or if there will be any playing of any <br />music or musical instruments. N/A <br />• Whether any tents or structures will be used. N/A <br />• Whether signs, banners, or balloons will be used. Coroplast route arrows and other temporary route signage will <br />be placed to direct riders. <br />