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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for June 7, 2021 <br />Page 3 of 11 <br />vacation days from his job to complete projects at the station including the construction of <br />display cases. He was the Vice President and President of the Relief Association, implemented <br />the investment policy, and was involved in creating the succession plan for firefighters. As part <br />of Good Neighbor Days, he started the 5K Fire Run. Kevin created the AED initiative, started <br />the engineering program, and was the first arriving officer at the scene during the 2008 tornado. <br />While Chief, he transitioned the ambulance service, helped in firefighter retention, and helped <br />get the first ladder truck purchased. He met his wife Kim while she was training the department <br />in basic animal rescue. They since married and have three children. Compton talked about <br />Kevin's signoff at the end of each drill which was "don't forget to sign in and thanks for coming <br />to drill", a signoff still used today. <br />Council talked about how Kevin had been a great asset to the department and how the <br />commitment of the family did not go unnoticed. <br />Kevin talked about meeting his goal to serve 20 years on the department stating he was proud of <br />the current leadership. <br />The Mayor read the Certificate of Appreciation that he presented to Kevin. <br />Updates from Local Scout Troops <br />Hugo Boy and Girl Scout troops shared with Council information on activities and projects they <br />had done in Hugo. <br />Wyatt Fish from Troop 151 introduced Ethan who talked about community partners that <br />included the Hugo Feed Mill, Hugo Lions Club, Dead Broke Arena, and the Hugo American <br />Legion. <br />Wyatt then introduced Mathew Fish who talked about activities over the past year that included a <br />cemetery cleanup, food shelf drive, White Bear Lake cleanup, and a Project Award in the Keys. <br />Wyatt introduced Charlie, current Scoutmaster of Troop 151. Charlie was an Eagle Scout and <br />had been in scouting for 35 years. He talked about the Youths in Scouts Campaign Program <br />saying the goals of scouting was to develop leadership. He thanked Council for their support. <br />Wyatt introduced Kristina, leader of a cadet troop and a junior troop, and she highlighted some <br />of the things the girls had done including a garden at the food shelf and a little library. <br />Wyatt introduced Sabrina on who spoke on collecting over $4,000 and almost two tons of food <br />for the Food Shelf. <br />Wyatt spoke about Eagle Scout projects that included building a garden at Oneka Elementary, <br />making blankets for hospitalized youths, and creating an outdoor classroom at the high school. <br />Wyatt introduced Mike Fish who thanked Council for their support. <br />Eagle Scouts Phil Klein, Fire Chief Jim Compton, Scout Masters Mike Fish and Charlie Nebin <br />