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2021.07.19 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2021 CC Minutes
2021.07.19 CC Minutes
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12/7/2021 11:22:59 AM
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9/15/2021 3:30:39 PM
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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for July 19, 2021 <br />Page 2 of 12 <br />said she knows the difference that can be made in a community, and she acknowledged Council <br />Members Phil Klein, Becky Petryk, and former Council Member Chuck Haas for their work on <br />different committees at the Met Council. She shared information about several committees she <br />served on and said the Met Council did not have as much power as people may think, and the <br />hard work happened at the local level. Susan said, per capita, Hugo was above and beyond being <br />engaged, and she gave kudos to the City for its stormwater reuse projects. She invited the City <br />to enlist her any way they could. <br />Council shared their appreciation for her the partnership and her volunteerism over the years. <br />Presentation of 2020 Audit Report — Jason Miller, Smith Schafer & Associates <br />Jason Miller from the independent accounting firm of Smith Schafer & Associates presented a <br />recap of the audit of City finances for the 2020 fiscal year. He explained they had issued an <br />unmodified audit opinion this year, which is the highest level they could provide on financial <br />statements. It basically stated the City is was in general compliance with accounting principles. <br />He explained the seven area that were tested and said here were no exceptions. New this year <br />due to COVID, was a single audit because the City spent more than $750,000 of Coronavirus <br />Relief Funds, and no exceptions were noted. He reviewed the funds and revenues, saying <br />property taxes were the largest revenue source. He reviewed expenditures saying governmental <br />expenditures increased 12% from 2019, due to an increase in wages, election expenses and <br />COVID-19 related expenses. Public safety expenditures increased 3% primarily due to an <br />increase in police. Highways and streets decreased about 8% and park expenditures decreased <br />about 1 % services. Miller talked about the general fund reserve saying it was the City's policy <br />to reserve 50% of the following year's budgeted expenditures, and the City had consistently <br />maintained slightly over that. Expenditures for capital projects were slightly less than last year <br />and included Arcand Park, the new Public Works building, Adelaide Landing Park, street <br />projects, audio visual equipment, and Fire Department and Public Works Department vehicle <br />accessories. He reviewed the sewer and water funds saying revenues were very strong and <br />continued to grow. Miller summarized by saying there was an unmodified audit opinion, no MN <br />legal compliance exceptions, and no single audit exceptions. The City's Comprehensive Annual <br />Financial Report was posted on the City's website. <br />Weidt made motion, Klein seconded, to accept the findings of the audit. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Approval of Consent Agenda <br />Miron made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve the following Consent Agenda: <br />1. Approve Claims Roster <br />2. Approve Special Event Permit for Wilson Tool Company Picnic <br />3. Approve Temporary Liquor License for the Lions for Wilson Tool Company Picnic <br />4. Approve Special Event Permit for Blue Heron Tent Party <br />5. Approve Donation to the Hugo Fire Department from the Bayport American Legion <br />6. Approve Ordinance and Personnel Policy Amendment Regarding Firefighter Response <br />Times <br />
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