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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for July 19, 2021 <br />Page 8 of 12 <br />Mayor Weidt opened the public hearing. <br />Johanna Markeson, 4898 121 st Street, asked about the digging of holes killing her trees. Erichson <br />stated he would have discussions with individual property owners and they would assess the <br />trees and impacts. He noted it was unsafe to have roots removed on one side. Markeson also <br />asked that the road be lowered to avoid water ponding at the end of her driveway. <br />Theresa Sorensen, 5049 120 Street Court, was concerned about the trees they planted on their <br />property line. She referenced a memo from July 14 about pulling back the grading, and she <br />wanted that to be on the record. She said they would need 13-14 feet from the base of the trees, <br />and she hoped the buffer could be but in writing. <br />Richard Degnan, 12160 Falcon Avenue, said his home was built in 1984, and the majority of the <br />homes in the area were operating on septic systems designed well before that time. He said they <br />need to have these services, and the street improvement project provided them a golden <br />opportunity to get it done. He encouraged the Council to adopt all the resolutions. <br />Tom Sames, 12116 Falcon Avenue, stated his house was built in early 1900s and had an old <br />system in dire need of being upgraded. He said he would like to see the utilities come through <br />but was concerned about the proposed connection to the house because of trees planted there. <br />The thought it might be easier to come in from the north. Erichson stated that he and Senior <br />Engineer Technician Liz Finnegan would work with him and other property owners on how to <br />make connections prior to finalizing construction. <br />Denise Sames, 12116 Falcon Avenue, state she was in favor of sewer and water and saw it as a <br />good opportunity. She noted there had been years of drainage issues in the area. She said she <br />worried about the wildlife saying there was always a down size to growth. <br />There were no other comments, and Mayor Weidt closed the public hearing <br />The applicant spoke about how their engineering team worked hard with the City's engineering <br />team to meet the standards, and were pleased they could collectively afford to get the neighbors <br />connected to City services. She referenced the trees on north side saying they were working on <br />the process. She said there had been questions regarding stakes, and she explained they were for <br />the clearing limits. Upon approval they would stake the trees they wanted to save. <br />Klein asked how drainage was being addressed. Erichson replied there was going to be one large <br />oversized infiltration basin, and the existing wetland would also be utilized. <br />Petryk made motion, Klein seconded, to approve RESOLUTION 2021-46 APPROVING A <br />MINOR SUBDIVISION FOR DRENGSON MAY ENTERPRISES, LLC, FOR THE <br />PROPERTY LOCATED AT 13165 EVERTON AVENUE NORTH. <br />Roll call vote — All Ayes. <br />Motion carried. <br />