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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for August 2, 2021 <br />Page 3 of 6 <br />Approve Authorization for Zoning Ordinance Text Amendments to be Reviewed by the <br />Ordinance Review Committee <br />The Ordinance Review Committee (ORC) had reviewed several ordinance text amendments <br />since 2004. Over the next year, the ORC would be reviewing and making recommendations on <br />zoning ordinance text amendments including the Shoreland Overlay District regulations, <br />Adequate Public Facilities ordinance, and Zoning District regulations. A work plan for the ORC <br />on these revisions would be prepared by staff. There were also areas of the zoning code with <br />inconsistencies or minor revisions that needed fixed. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved <br />zoning ordinance text amendment to be reviewed by the ORC. <br />Approve Pay Request No. 10 to Ebert Construction for the Public Works Facility Project <br />Ebert Construction had submitted pay request No. 10 for payment for the City of Hugo Public <br />Works Facility project in the amount of $601,187.02. The quantities completed to date had been <br />reviewed and agreed upon by the architect, contractor and City staff. The amount indicated <br />above reflected the work certified through July of 2021, with a 5% retainage applied. Total <br />retainage being held for the project to date was $255,444.96. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />approved payment request No. 10 in the amount of $601,187.02 to Ebert Construction. <br />Approve Pay Request No.2 to Ebert Construction for Public Works Salt and Materials <br />Storage Proiect <br />Ebert Construction had submitted pay request No. 2 for payment for the City of Hugo Public <br />Works Salt and Materials Storage project in the amount of $152,861.17. The quantities <br />completed to date had been reviewed and agreed upon by the architect, contractor and City staff. <br />The amount indicated above reflected the work certified through July of 2021, with a 5% <br />retainage applied. Total retainage being held for the project to date was $10,990.79. Adoption of <br />the Consent Agenda approved payment request No. 2 in the amount of $152,861.17 to Ebert <br />Construction. <br />Approve Resolution Providing for the Sale of $8,380,000 General Obligation Tax <br />Abatement Bonds and Authorize Staff to Accept the Amount of Reoffering Premium <br />Necessary to Fully Fund the Construction Fund <br />Interim Finance Director Anna Wobse provided background to Council on the financing of the <br />Lions Park improvement project. At the June 21 and July 19, 2021 City Council meetings, <br />Council accepted bids and proposals for the Lions Park pavilion, site improvements, phase one <br />and phase two playgrounds and related improvements. At the June 21 meeting, Council called <br />for a public hearing on tax abatement to be held on July 19, 2021, in preparation for considering <br />the sale of tax abatement bonds to pay for the improvements. The tax abatement public hearing <br />was held on July 19 at the regularly scheduled City Council meeting and no public comments <br />were received. Council approved the tax abatement district and the resolution approving the <br />property tax abatements thus allowing the City to issue tax abatement bonds to finance the Lions <br />Park project and related public improvements. Staff expected the cost of the improvements to <br />total $8,650,000. Staff had been working with Paul Steinman from Baker Tilly on a preliminary <br />debt service schedule and staff was recommending the issuance of tax abatement bonds in the <br />principal amount of $8,380,000. The remainder of the project construction funds would come <br />