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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for July 19, 2021 <br />Page 7 of 12 <br /> <br />of 121st street and west of Falcon Avenue. The properties were zoned R-1 Large Lot Single <br />Family Residential, as were the surrounding properties, where there was a one acre minimum lot <br />size. Earlier this year, a concept plan was reviewed by Council, Planning Commission, and Parks <br />Commission. She explained the development would consist of nine single family lots on <br />approximately 13 acres of property. The applicant was requesting a property line adjustment to <br />widen the access to 121st Street, a variance for Lots 8 and 9 from the shoreland regulations, and <br />preliminary plat and final plat for Acres of Bald Eagle. All other lots met zoning code <br />requirements. A landscape plan required two over story trees per lot, and they would be putting <br />together a lighting plan with Xcel Energy. Draining and grading met stormwater management <br />requirements and there wouldl be a stormwater management area constructed in the northwest <br />corner. Staff was continuing to work with the developer and property owners on grading in that <br />area. <br /> <br />City Engineer Mark Erichson talked about the streets utilities showing the new roadway off 121st <br />Street and explained any subdivision in this area would require extension of sewer and water. <br />Existing properties were served by individual septic systems. Twelve properties would have <br />utilities going past them with this development. Council had directed staff to hold a meeting <br />with these residents to determine if they wanted to receive sewer and water service. The meeting <br />was held on April 8, 2021, and there was positive feedback. Council accepted the Feasibility <br />Study at their June 21, 2021, meeting and scheduled the public hearing to be held this evening. <br />He showed a map identifying the properties that would be assessed for the extension of utilities <br />and explained the developer would fund the reconstruction of 121st Street, minor drainage <br />improvements, installation of sewer and water to eight new proposed lots. Lot 9 would receive <br />services from Everton Avenue. He provided a breakdown of the cost explaining $711,881 would <br />be paid for by the developer, $49,932.44 by the City for the oversizing of the watermain, and <br />$113,315.64 in assessments, totaling $875,129.26 for the cost of the project. The properties <br />would be assessed $9,443 per unit. Erichson explained that if utilities were brought to these lots <br />without the development, the cost would be $53,800 per unit. <br /> <br />Juba explained staff found the development request met the criteria needed to approve the <br />applications and it met the City Code and subdivision regulation. At its July 8, 2021, meeting, <br />the Planning Commission held a public hearing, and there were questions and concerns regarding <br />the height of the homes, wildlife and tree preservation, grading, drainage, and flooding. Juba had <br />addressed the comments saying there was a maximum height allowed for the homes, and there <br />was a plan to remove some of the trees on the west side of the development for grading and <br />drainage. The developer was working with an engineer and tree service company to save as <br />many trees as they could. They were also working to pull as much grading as possible away from <br />the adjacent properties. The Planning Commission had unanimously recommended approval of <br />the variance, property line adjustment, minor subdivision, and preliminary plat subject to the <br />conditions listed in the resolutions. Staff recommended approval of the final plat and <br />development agreement, subject to the City Attorney’s approval. <br /> <br />Petryk talked about improvements that had been done to the sewer inceptor in the past that <br />caused water issues with residents. She questioned whether this development would help solve <br />some of those issues. Erichson responded that the inceptor improvements coincided with some <br />very wet years that may have attributed to that. He said there it is likely this project could <br />provide more relief there, and it would not aggravate the water problems further. <br />