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<br />H;/clients all/hugo/city engineer/125th street speed limit 178 E 9TH STREET | SUITE 200 | SAINT PAUL, MN | 55101 | 651.286.8450 | WSBENG.COM September 1, 2021 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Honorable Mayor and City Council <br />City of Hugo <br />14669 Fitzgerald Avenue North <br />Hugo MN, 55038 <br /> <br /> <br />Re: Speed Limit – 125th Street <br />WSB Project No. 017062-000 <br /> <br />Dear Mayor and Council: <br /> <br />In May 2019, Minnesota State Legislature passed a bill granting cities the authority to set speed <br />limits under their jurisdiction. This statute went into effect August 1, 2019. The purpose of this <br />memo is to provide the City Council with background information on the speed limit rules and to <br />provide information on what next steps they would need to follow to implement new speed limits <br />on local streets in the City of Hugo. <br /> <br />Following the 2019 legislation change a local road authority may reduce the speed <br />limit on streets under their jurisdiction without an engineering investigation for the following <br />conditions (County and state roads are not included in this authority): <br /> <br /> A city may establish speed limits for city streets under the city's jurisdiction other than the <br />limits provided in subdivision 2 of Minnesota Statute 169.14. A city must implement <br />speed limit changes in a consistent and understandable manner. A city must develop <br />procedures to set speed limits based on the city's safety, engineering, and traffic <br />analysis. At a minimum, the safety, engineering, and traffic analysis must consider <br />national urban speed limit guidance and studies, local traffic crashes, and methods to <br />effectively communicate the change to the public. <br /> <br />The current City of Hugo policy addressing speed limit related concerns is based upon <br />guidelines from Minnesota Statutes, Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) policies, <br />Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MnMUTCD), and engineering judgement. <br /> <br />The speed limit along 125th Street from Goodview Avenue to County Road 7 is currently not <br />posted and is therefore defaulted as a 55 MPH roadway. The action necessary to lower the <br />speed limit would be to adopt the resolution identifying the speed limit along 125th Street from <br />Goodview Avenue to Hilo Avenue as 40 MPH, 125th Street from Hilo Avenue to County Road 7 as <br />30 MPH, with the curve between Homestead and County Road 7 posted with 25 MPH advisory <br />speed limit. The recommended speed limits have been determined based on the vertical and <br />horizontal geometrics of the existing roadway. <br /> <br />A speed limit adopted is not effective unless the road authority passes the resolution and has <br />erected signs designating the speed limit on which the speed limit applies. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />