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Parkway from 149th Street N to Heritage Parkway (see attached project location map). Staff <br />would like to confirm the improvements as outlined in the 5-year Capital Improvement Plan <br />remains the City’s next priority. Staff is requesting authorization to prepare the feasibility study <br />for the 2022 Street Improvement project. <br /> <br />M.1 Schedule Special Meeting for Monday, September 13, 2021, to Award the Bid for the 121st <br />Street/Acres of Bald Eagle Project <br /> <br />Bids for the 121st Street and Acres of Bald Eagle Improvement Project will be opened at 10 a.m. <br />on October 9, 2021. Due to timing, staff would like to schedule a special meeting to accept the <br />bids and award the project. Staff recommends Council schedule a special meeting for Monday <br />September 13, 2021, at 5 p.m., if Council is available, for the award of bid for the 121st St/Acres <br />of Bald Eagle Improvement Project. <br /> <br />M.2 Fire Department Open House on Saturday, October 2, 2021 <br /> <br />The Hugo Fire Department will hold their open house on Saturday, October 2, 2021, from 11a.m.-3 <br />p.m. at the Hugo Fire Hall. Staff recommends Council schedule a meeting if they choose to attend the <br />open house. <br /> <br />M. Adjournment