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G.11 Approve Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance <br />At its August 16, 2021, meeting, the City Council authorized staff to revise several ordinances <br />because of inconsistencies and clarifications. One of them was the Adequate Public Facilities <br />ordinance. The Adequate Public Facilities ordinance outlines the public improvement <br />requirements for developments such as, road construction, sewer and water, and stormwater <br />management. Staff identified that the ordinance needs minor revisions to clarify what <br />development applications it applies to, such as subdivisions and property line adjustments. At its <br />September 9, 2021, meeting the Planning Commission held a public hearing and considered the <br />ordinance. Staff recommend approval of the ordinance to the Planning Commission. There was <br />no one that spoke during the public hearing. The Planning Commission unanimously <br />recommended approval of the revisions to the Adequate Public Facilities ordinance to the City <br />Council. <br />G.12 Approve Authorization for Parks Commission to Evaluate the Park Dedication Fee <br />At their meeting of September 15, 2021, the Parks, Recreation and Open Space Commission <br />reviewed the Park Dedication Policy and are not recommending changes to the policy. The <br />policy continues to be useful and is in keeping with Minnesota State Statute 462.358. The park <br />dedication fee was evaluated in 2010 and 2015 and has remained $2,400 per residential unit. Per <br />state statute, the fee must be based on the fair market value of the property being developed and <br />have a nexus to the demand for parks created. The Parks Commission is requesting Council <br />authorization to evaluate the park dedication fee. <br />H.1 Receive Bids and Award Contract for 121st St. and Acres of Bald Eagle Improvement <br />Project <br />Bids were received for the above-referenced project on Wednesday, August 19, 2021, and were <br />opened and read aloud. The project includes streets, utilities, and site grading. Eight bids were <br />received. The bids were checked for mathematical accuracy. The enclosed bid summary <br />indicates the low bid as submitted by A-1 Excavating, Inc. from Bloomer, Wisconsin in the <br />amount of $1,005,924. This is less than the engineer’s estimate of $1,073,526. The Acres of <br />Bald Eagle developer’s share is $900,098. Per the development agreement, the City has received <br />this amount. The balance of the project cost will be assessed. The assessment results are in line <br />with what was presented in the feasibility study. While the City will manage this project, the <br />City is not a participant in the cost. Staff recommends Council consider these bids and award a <br />contract in the amount of $1,005,924.00 to A-1 Excavating, Inc., based on the results of the bids <br />received. <br />M.1 Citywide Cleanup Day on Saturday, October 2, 2021 <br />Staff would like to remind Council the City will hold their annual Fall Citywide Cleanup Day on <br />Saturday, October 2, 2021, from 8 a.m. to noon at the Hugo Public Works Building. <br />M.2 Hugo Fire Department Open House on Saturday, October 2, 2021 <br />Staff would like to remind Council they have scheduled a meeting to attend the Hugo Fire <br />Department Open House on Saturday, October 2, 2021, from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.