<br />) ss.
<br />Carter Johnson, being first duly sworn, on oath states as follows:
<br />1. I am the publisher of the THE CITIZEN, or the publisher's
<br />designated agent. I have personal knowledge of the facts stated in
<br />this Affidavit, which is made pursuant of Minnesota Statutes §331A.07
<br />2. The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements to constitute a
<br />qualified newspaper under Minnesota law, including those requirements
<br />found in Minnesota Statutes §331A.02.
<br />3. The dates of the month and the year and day of the week upon which the
<br />public notice attached was published in the newspaper are as follows:
<br />Once a week, for one week, it was published on Thursday, the 7th day
<br />of October, 2021.
<br />4. The publisher's lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for
<br />comparable space, as determined pursuant to §331A.06, is as follows:
<br />a) Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for
<br />comparable space
<br />b) Maximum rate allowed by law for the above matter
<br />c) Rate actually charged for the above matter $ 12.10/inch
<br />Morteaee Foreclosure Notices. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §580.033
<br />relating to the publication of mortgage foreclosure notices: The
<br />newspaper's known office of issue is located in Ramsey County. The
<br />newspaper complies with the conditions described in §580.033, subd. 1,
<br />clause (1) or (2). If the newspaper's known office of issue is located in
<br />a county adjoining the county where the mortgaged premises or some part
<br />of the mortgaged premises described in the notice are located, a substantial
<br />portion of the newspaper's circulation is in the latter county.
<br />We are a qualified newspaper in the following counties: Anoka, Ramsey
<br />and Washington
<br />BY:
<br />TITLE: Carter Johnson, Publisher
<br />4779 Bloom Avenue
<br />White Bear Lake, MN 55110
<br />Subscribed and sworn to before me on this 7th day of October, 2021.
<br />Notary Put c
<br />R
<br />y®gyp i C 85 tlC1 L. C 11ESS
<br />Notary Public -Minnesota
<br />� filly Cornmiss€on Expires Jan 31, 2025
<br />1 VYY-,/Y,l1M1fVlr�VlWtin/�r
<br />ORDINANCE 2021-507
<br />Section 1. The City Council of the City of Hugo does hereby replace Chap-
<br />ter 90, Article VII Land Division and Platting, to replace Section 90-329 Ade-
<br />quate Public Facilities to state the following:
<br />Sec. 90-329. Adequate public facilities.
<br />Any subdivision or property line adjustment deemed to lack adequate pub-
<br />lic facilities pursuant to criteria, which include those listed in this section, may
<br />be denied by the city council together with all related permits and approvals.
<br />(1) Conditions establishing premature subdivisions and property line
<br />adjustments. A subdivision or property line adjustment may be deemed pre-
<br />mature if it lacks adequate public facilities as defined below. The following
<br />conditions shall not be an exclusive list of conditions:
<br />a. Lack of adequate drainage. A condition of inadequate drainage
<br />shall be deemed to exist if:
<br />1. Surface or subsurface water retention and runoff are such
<br />that it constitutes a danger to the structural security or risk of flooding of the
<br />proposed structures.
<br />2. The proposed site grading and development may cause
<br />harmful and irreparable damage from erosion and siltation on downhill or
<br />downstream land.
<br />3. Factors to be considered in making these determinations
<br />may include: average rainfall for the area; the relation of the land to flood -
<br />plains; the nature of soils and subsoils and their ability to adequately support
<br />surface water runoff and waste disposal systems; the slope of the land and its
<br />effect on effluents; and the presence of streams as related to effluent disposal.
<br />b. Lack of adequate water supply. A proposed subdivision or prop-
<br />erty line adjustment shall be deemed to lack an adequate water supply if the
<br />proposed subdivision does not have adequate sources of water to serve the
<br />proposed subdivision if developed to its maximum permissible density without
<br />causing an unreasonable depreciation of existing water supplies for surround-
<br />ing areas or does not offer acceptable integration of existing public water facil-
<br />ities.
<br />c. Lack of adequate roads or highways to serve the subdivision
<br />or property line adjustment. A proposed subdivision shall be deemed to lack
<br />adequate roads or highways to serve the subdivision when:
<br />1. Roads which are needed to serve the proposed subdivision
<br />or property line adjustments are of such a width, grade, stability, vertical and
<br />horizontal alignment, configuration, site distance and surface condition that
<br />an increase in traffic volume generated by the proposed subdivision would
<br />create a hazard to public safety and general_ welfare, or seriously aggravate
<br />an already hazardous condition, or when said roads are inadequate for the
<br />intended use and the proposal does not include developer -supplied improve-
<br />ments adequate to defray the costs of upgrading those roads.
<br />2. The traffic volume generated by the proposed subdivision or
<br />property line adjustments would create unreasonable road or highway con-
<br />gestion or unsafe conditions on roads or highways existing at the time of the
<br />application or proposed for completion within the next two years:_
<br />d. Lack of adequate waste disposal systems. A proposed subdi-
<br />vision or property line adjustment shall be deemed to lack adequate waste
<br />disposal systems if in subdivisions for which sewer lines are proposed, there
<br />is inadequate sewer capacity in the present system to support the subdivision
<br />if developed to its maximum permissible density after reasonable sewer ca-
<br />pacity is reserved for schools, planned public facilities, and commercial and
<br />industrial development projected for the next five years; or if in subdivisions
<br />where sewer lines are neither available nor proposed, there is inadequate
<br />on -site sewer capacity potential to support the subdivision if developed to the
<br />maximum permissible density indicated in any governing planning document
<br />or ordinance or amendments thereto.
<br />e. Inconsistency with comprehensive plan. Subdivisions and
<br />property line adjustments that do not follow planned public improvement cor-
<br />ridors or that do not constitute an infilling of development shall be deemed
<br />inconsistent with the city's growth strategies as outlined in the comprehensive
<br />plan.
<br />I. City service capacity. A proposed subdivision or property line ad-
<br />justment shall be determined to lack necessary city service capacity when
<br />services such as recreational facilities, police and fire protection, and other
<br />city services, which must be provided at public expense, cannot reasonably
<br />be provided for within the next two years.
<br />g. Inconsistency with capital improvement plans. A proposed
<br />subdivision or property line adjustment shall be deemed inconsistent with
<br />capital improvement plans when improvements and/or services necessary to
<br />accommodate the proposed subdivision have not been programmed in ap-
<br />plicable capital improvement plans. The city council may waive this criterion
<br />when it can be demonstrated that a revision to capital improvement programs
<br />can be accommodated.
<br />(2) Burden of establishing adequacy. The burden shall be upon the ap-
<br />plicant to show that the proposed subdivision, development, or and property
<br />line adjustment has adequate public facilities and is not premature.
<br />Section 2. SevPrability. In the event that a court of competent jurisdiction
<br />adjudges any part of this Ordinance to be invalid, such judgment shall not
<br />affect any other provision of this Ordinance not specifically included with that
<br />judgment.
<br />Section 3. Fffedhtabate. This amendment shall take effect upon its pas-
<br />sage and publication.
<br />ADOPTED by the City Council this 20- day of September, 2021.
<br />Tom Weidt, Mayor
<br />ATTEST: Michele Lindau, City Clerk
<br />Published one time in The Citizen on October 7, 2021.
<br />