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Minutes for the Planning Commission Meeting of Thursday, March 25, 2021 <br />Meeting held remotely pursuant Minn. Stat. Sec. 1313.021 <br />Chair Kleissler called the meeting to order at 7:14 pm. <br />PRESENT: Arcand, Derr, Fry, Kleissler, Lessard, Mulvihill, Petty. <br />ABSENT: Luchsinger. <br />STAFF: Rachel Juba, Community Development Director <br />Emily Weber, Community Development Assistant <br />Pledge of Allegiance. <br />Approval of Minutes for the Planning Commission Meeting of February 11, 2021 <br />Commissioner Petty directed staff to make an edit to the meeting minutes of February 11, 2021. <br />Commissioner Arcand made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Petty to approve minutes for the <br />meeting of February 11, 2021 with corrections as mentioned. <br />Ayes: Arcand, Derr, Fry, Kleissler, Mulvihill, Petty. <br />Abstained: Lessard. Nay: None. <br />Motion carried. <br />Public Hearing: White Bear Lake Area School — Site plan, conditional use permit, and property line <br />adjustment for the property located at 15198 Forest Boulevard North. <br />Staff provided a background on the site plan, conditional use permit, and property line adjustment <br />submitted by the White Bear Lake Area School District. The site is approximately 135 acres, zoned <br />single-family detached residential (R-3), and is generally located west of Highway 61 and south of 157tn <br />Way North. The applicant is seeking approval of an approximately 100,000 square foot elementary <br />school and gymnasium, associated ball -fields and playground, and walking trails. Schools are allowed in <br />the R-3 zoning district as conditional use. <br />The WBL School District and Xcel Energy have applied for a property line adjustment to allow the <br />District to acquire the property on the north side of the school property and through the western <br />portion of the school property. In turn, the District will provide Xcel with an easement for utility <br />purposes. Staff found that the request meets all of the requirements necessary to approve the <br />property line adjustment. <br />