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Approved by the EDA at its Tuesday, __________, 2022, meeting 2022 Goals Economic Development Authority (EDA) •Assist and encourage redevelopment of properties in downtown•Evaluate and review downtown area beautification•Partner with MnDOT and Washington County on a Visioning Plan for Highway 61•Discuss and encourage small area planning in the area of 165th Street and Highway 61•Explore renenue streams for economic development Development and Downtown Redevelopment•Continue low development costs•Continue business visits and the BR&E Program•Continue assisting businesses to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic•Provide resource lists for business•Encourage the extension of high speed internet through-out the City•Promote Washington County CDA grant and Open to Business ProgramMaintain a Business Friendly Environment•Continue memberships of economic development associations•Install the City north entrance monument sign•Encourage businesses to identify themselves as being located in Hugo•Attend Technology Corridor (I35E) meetings •Continue to encourage and monitor infrastructure improvements to promote economic developmentMarketing / Promotion of the City •Continue partnering with local businesses and the HBA•Continue to partner with Washington County on its Economic Development Strategic Plan•Meet with property owners with property for sale to see if there is any way the City can helpPartnerships