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2022.01.03 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2022 CC Minutes
2022.01.03 CC Minutes
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2/8/2022 11:43:32 AM
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2/8/2022 11:43:26 AM
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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for January 3, 2022 <br />Page 7 of 9 <br /> <br />held to date was $47,369.44. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved payment in the amount <br />of $148,273.15 to Schreiber Mullaney Construction for the construction of the City of Hugo <br />Lions Park Pavilion. <br /> <br />Site Plan, Conditional Use Permit Amendment, Development Agreement, Assessment <br />Agreement for Victor Land Holding for Schwieters Campus Development <br /> <br />Victor Land Holdings, LLC, had requested approval of a site plan for an approximately 43,000 <br />square foot office, manufacturing, and warehouse building with associated parking. The <br />applicant also requested a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) amendment for the campus <br />development since the use of the building would include office and manufacturing. Planner <br />Rachel Juba explained a development agreement and assessment agreement had been drafted <br />for the project and for the construction of an extension of 140th Street to the west property line. <br />The 2040 Comprehensive Plan showed 140th to be a collector street to connect to Elmcrest <br />Avenue and Cedar Street in Lino Lakes. The City had received a letter from the applicant <br />requesting the City cost share and add it to the 2022-2026 CIP and assess the developer 50% of <br />the cost plus interest over the next five years. Benefits of the extension to the City would be <br />paved access to the existing lift station and Clearwater Creek Park. <br /> <br />The EDA had considered the cost sharing request in November and felt the request met the <br />assessment policy. The Planning Commission held a public hearing at their meeting on <br />December 16, 2021, and received comments on the noise caused by overhead doors remaining <br />open, backup beepers from forklifts, and noise at the dumpsters on the north side of the <br />building. The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the site plan and <br />CUP amendment requests with two additional conditions added to the resolutions regarding <br />overhead doors being closed at certain times and relocating the dumpster on the property. <br /> <br />Blake Schwieters addressed the Council on ZOOM stating they agreed to the conditions as <br />recommended by the Planning Commission. They would be moving the dumpsters, and the <br />doors would be closed between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m. <br /> <br />Bill Mahre, 5231 141st Street North, was in attendance representing the residents in the Fenway <br />Place development, and he referenced a letter he had submitted to Council earlier. He said he <br />understood there was a balancing act between residential and commercial uses. Their biggest <br />concern was noise, and he referred to recommendations in their letter. He talked about concerns <br />regarding noise from the 4 a.m. shift workers, dumpsters, and backup beeping, noting the beepers <br />were an OSHA requirement. He asked the Council to consider their recommendations on <br />construction of a wall or berm. <br /> <br />Denise Johnson, 5239 140th Circle North, said she had audio recording on her phone of the <br />noise she could play for Council, but the Mayor declined. <br /> <br />Chrissann Jones, 5249 141st Street Circle, said she lived closest to the site and made the request <br />they consider changing the overnight shift so they are not dealing with the sound of car doors <br />slamming at 4 a.m. <br /> <br />Blake Schwieter said he was not sure how to handle car doors and lights, and they could expect <br />the facility parking lot to be full overnight. The overnight shift was a 12 hours shift from 4 p.m.
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