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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Council talked with Fire Chief Jim Compton, Jr. about working with other departments, budget <br />impacts, bringing a chief in from outside the department, workload, and different models of other <br />cities. Compton explained the difficulties of merging with other departments who each have <br />their own system of operating under different counties and PSAs (Primary Service Areas). He <br />felt there was enough work to do, and to bring in a chief from outside the City may change the <br />culture a bit, but there would still be salaried positions within the department that would assist <br />the chief. It was generally agreed by Council that more discussions on this needed to occur. <br /> <br />Bear next presented information on ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) funds saying the City <br />was to receive $1.6 million and an additional $53,000 in redistributed funds. This was presented <br />to Council last year, and the use of funds was broken into categories: responding to economic <br />impacts; pay for essential works; investing in water, sewer or broadband; or replacing revenue <br />lost from pandemic. The final rule in January 2022, offered a standard allowance option of up to <br />10 million, and allowed cities to use funds for general government services. The City has until <br />2024 to spend the money. Bear said the money could be used for CIP projects, unfunded <br />projects such as paving of 165th, Hopkins Schoolhouse, business assistance, or stormwater <br />projects. Council indicated they were not ready to make a decision and acknowledged further <br />discussions need to take place. <br /> <br />Bear discussed a problem with the microphones in the Council Chambers not always picking up <br />what was being said. Council directed staff to look at getting longer necks for the microphones <br />to see if that would solve the problem. <br /> <br />Klein made motion, Miron seconded, to adjourn at 7:07 p.m. <br /> <br />All ayes. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br /> <br />Michele Lindau <br />City Clerk <br />