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Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State <br /> 2021 Redistricting Guide <br />23 <br />4.3.4 Establishing precincts <br />All local governments which establish the boundaries of election precincts—whether in cities, townships, or unorganized <br />territories—must follow similar steps in preparing for the establishment of precincts in the redistricting process, as well <br />as notifying voters and other governmental entities when the process is completed. It may be a very quick process for <br />jurisdictions entirely in one precinct, or a more involved process for jurisdictions with multiple precincts that are <br />changing. <br /> Dates for establishing precincts <br />All precincts in the state—whether in a city, township or unorganized territory—must be established (or reestablished) <br />within 60 days of the adoption of the state redistricting plan, or by March 29, 2022, whichever comes first. These <br />established precinct boundaries become effective on the date of the 2022 primary. (M.S. 204B.14, subd. 3) <br /> Pass resolution or ordinance <br />The resolution or ordinance reestablishing the precinct must be passed within 60 days of the completion of legislative <br />redistricting, or by March 29, 2022, whichever comes first. (M.S. 204B.14, subds. 3 and 4.) A sample resolution is in <br />Appendix C <br />If the state legislative redistricting plan is adopted and/or any court challenges are resolved less than 19 weeks before <br />the state primary in a year ending in two (after March 29 in 2022), there are alternate dates and procedures for <br />redistricting or reestablishing precincts. For more information on the alternate dates and procedures refer to Appendix <br />A or contact the Elections Division of the Secretary of State’s Office. (M.R. 8255.0010) <br />It is common for polling places to be designated in the same action as the precincts, or in an action passed in the same <br />meeting. If a precinct is in or will be in a combined polling place, this is also a time to reestablish or change this status. <br />See the Polling Place section for details. <br />4.4 Giving notice <br />After completion of the redistricting process, the following notifications must be made by the governing jurisdiction. <br />If there are any changes in the precinct boundaries after the boundaries have been drawn, similar notices must be <br />provided by the municipal clerk or county auditor before the changes can take effect. (M.S. 204B.14) <br />4.4.1 Notify the county auditor <br />The redistricting of county commissioner districts cannot occur until all municipalities have completed reestablishing <br />their precincts. Additionally, the county auditor is required to update the statewide voter registration system whenever <br />there have been changes in precinct boundaries. Municipalities should coordinate with their county auditor’s office to <br />determine the specific process that will be used in their county. Cities with territory in more than one county should <br />make sure to coordinate with all relevant counties. <br />4.4.2 Notify the Office of the Secretary of State <br />The municipal clerk or county auditor must immediately notify the Secretary of State of any change in a precinct <br />boundary. To fulfill this notification the clerk or auditor should mail, fax or email a copy of the ordinance or resolution <br />establishing the change to the Elections Division. (M.S. 204B.14 subd. 5) <br />4.4.3 Send map of precinct boundaries to the Office of the Secretary of State <br />The clerk then must file a corre ct map of precinct boundaries within 30 days of a boundary change. Generally the county <br />will provide a basemap for the municipal clerk to mark up if necessary. However, Secretary of State may also be able to <br />assist. Contact Brad Neuhauser in the Elections Division at or by phone at (651) 556-0648 <br />for more help with a map. (M.S. 204B.14 subd. 5)