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Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State <br /> 2021 Redistricting Guide <br /> 28 <br />• the clerk may request the county auditor mail a special redistricting Postal Verification Card (PVC) to all <br />households with at least one registered voter in the affected precincts (after auditors have entered new polling <br />place information into SVRS), or <br />• the clerk may request the county auditor mail a special redistricting Postal Verification Card (PVC) to all voters in <br />the affected precincts (after auditors have entered new polling place information into SVRS), or <br />• the clerk may purchase electronic household address labels from the OSS to send their own notification to all <br />affected households with at least one registered voter. <br />• the clerk may purchase electronic voter labels from the OSS to send their own notification to all affected voters. <br />Order forms are available at <br />(M.S. 204B.16) <br />Information on ordering voter data from the Secretary of State and order forms are available at the Registered Voter List <br />Requests webpage ( <br />requests/). <br />It is strongly recommended that all voters in the county be notified of their polling place, precinct, and other election <br />districts using postal verification cards even if no changes have occurred. The benefits of this are to inform voters if any <br />of their election districts have changed, and reaffirm their correct polling place. Cost sharing among the county, cities, <br />townships, and school districts may keep the mailing costs affordable for any group. A special redistricting postal <br />verification card will be available. <br />