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2022.03.14 CC Packet - Redistricting
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2022.03.14 CC Packet - Redistricting
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3/10/2022 4:05:39 PM
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Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State <br /> 2021 Redistricting Guide <br /> 16 <br />The obvious problem in considering the population in territory annexed after the date of the census is the difficulty of <br />precisely determining the size of that population. If an annexation includes an entire census block, population for that <br />block is easy to determine. However, if a partial census block is annexed, the city may need to use another method to <br />determine the population of the annexed area. <br />Since it is not possible to get an official population count for a portion of a census block, the city may form an estimate <br />of the actual resident population annexed. However, if an estimate is used the city will need to be able to document <br />how that estimate was developed in order to withstand a possible court challenge to the city’s redistricting plan. <br />If the total population of the census block would not cause the population of the ward to exceed Constitutional <br />requirements, it may be sufficient to simply proceed as though the entire population of the census block were annexed <br />for the purpose of calculating ward population. <br />3.3 Ward redistricting process <br />The ward redistricting process generally happens at the same time as the precinct establishment process, Cities should <br />also review the information about precinct establishment, especially the section on Municipalities with multiple <br />precincts. <br />3.3.1 Review city charter or policies <br />The city charter or official policies should be reviewed to determine if the city has established any specific redistricting <br />related procedures, policies, or requirements in addition to those specified in state law. If there are any conflicts <br />between the city’s charter or policies and Minnesota law, cities should work with the city attorney to determine how <br />best to reconcile the conflicts. <br />3.3.2 Acquire census block population data <br />Population is a major consideration when evaluating and redistricting city wards. It is no longer required to draw <br />precincts on census block boundaries, however doing so simplifies the calculation of ward population totals. To use <br />census block population data it is necessary to have a map indicating block boundaries and the unique number for each <br />census block. <br />See Appendix for more information about Census data <br />3.3.3 Describing ward boundaries <br />There are many ways to describe ward boundaries. If a single feature (road, river, etc.) is the division between wards, it <br />may be sufficient to define the wards in relation to that feature, for example “those portions of the city east of Main <br />Street,” or “north of Clearwater Creek.” However, when ward boundaries follow multiple features, a metes and bounds <br />description may be the best way to make the boundary clear. <br />A metes and bounds description is one that describes the boundaries of the wards in such a way that a person could <br />walk the described boundary. An example from the past described a portion of the Metropolitan Council’s 6th District: <br />“The sixth council district consists of that portion of Hennepin county consisting of the cities of Golden <br />Valley and St. Louis Park and that portion of the city of Minneapolis lying west and south of a line <br />described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the southern boundary of the city of <br />Minneapolis and Interstate Highway 35W, northerly along Interstate Highway 35W to Minnehaha <br />Parkway, northeasterly along Minnehaha Parkway to 50th Street E., westerly along 50th Street E. to <br />Stevens Avenue S., northerly along Stevens Avenue S. to 46th Street E., westerly along 46th Street E. to <br />Nicollet Avenue S., northerly along Nicollet Avenue S. to 36th Street W…” <br />A metes and bounds description may be preferable because it: <br />• is more easily understood by people unfamiliar with the city, and
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