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G.5 Approve Resolution Approving Wards, Precincts, and Polling Locations <br />Every ten years upon completion of the United States census, cities are required to use the census <br />data to confirm or reestablish ward boundaries to ensure equal representation. At the Council <br />redistricting workshop on March 14, 2022, Council reviewed the data which showed all three <br />wards increased nearly the same in population. Staff recommended Council keep the same ward <br />boundaries and reestablish precinct boundaries and polling locations to make voting more <br />manageable. Staff recommends Council approve the resolution confirming the City’s existing <br />ward boundaries and reestablishing new precinct boundaries and polling places. <br />G.6 Approve Ordinance Rezoning 15500 Keystone Avenue North – Haas <br />Charles and Marykay Haas have submitted a zoning amendment request to rezone from the <br />Agricultural Zoning District to the Long Term Agricultural Zoning District for the property <br />located at 15500 Keystone Avenue North. At its March 10, 2022 regularly scheduled meeting, <br />the Hugo Planning Commission considered the zoning amendment request and held a public <br />hearing. No one came forward to speak. Staff provided background and recommended approval <br />of the request. The Planning Commission agreed that the request met the criteria necessary to <br />approve the application and recommended approval of the zoning amendment to the City <br />Council. <br />G.7 Approve Application for Met Council Water Efficiency Grant Application <br />The Metropolitan Council will implement a water efficiency grant program effective July 1, <br />2022 to June 30, 2024. Grants will be awarded on a competitive basis to municipalities that <br />manage municipal water systems. The Council will provide 80% of the program cost while the <br />municipality would be responsible for the remaining 20%. Staff is proposing to apply for <br />$50,000, which would require the City to contribute $12,500. Should funds be awarded, staff is <br />proposing to use the grant money to implement a rebate program that would update the irrigation <br />systems in up to eight City parks and the Hugo Fire Hall. The proposed irrigation system updates <br />are expected to reduce water usage by 62% due to the increased efficiency of the devices. Staff <br />recommends the City Council approve staff’s request to submit an application to the <br />Metropolitan Council Water Efficiency Grant Program with the understanding that the City of <br />Hugo is responsible for a local match of $12,500. <br />G.8 Approve Extension of Purchase Agreement for City Owned Property <br />Denny Trooien, of Dennis Properties has the purchase agreement on the City owned property in <br />downtown. Mr. Trooien provided an update to the EDA on the proposed project at their meeting <br />on March 15, 2022. Mr. Trooien also requested the EDA consider a purchase agreement <br />amendment to extend the closing dates and construction completion dates. The existing closing <br />date for the first phase is May 20, 2022. He is requesting the first phase closing date be <br />September 20, 2022, with the availability to extend with written notice to January 31, 2023. He is <br />also requesting a one-year extension on the closing date for the second phase. He is requesting <br />the completion of the first phase construction to be extended from December 31, 2022, to <br />December 31, 2023. Mr. Trooien stated that he has been working on marketing and has <br />submitted development applications to the City for approval of the project, but it has taken <br />longer than expected working through environmental regulations. The EDA discussed next steps <br />with Mr. Trooien. He stated he would like to continue to work with staff on refining the plans