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December 16, 2021 PC Minutes <br />Page 2 <br />Blake Schwieters addressed the Planning Commission on behalf of Victor Land Holdings, LLC. <br />Schwieters manages the main manufacturing operations at JL Schwieters. The applicant emphasized <br />that the proposed building is an extension of the existing operations on site and is needed to increase <br />capacity. <br />Commissioner Luchsinger asked the applicant to elaborate on the additional impacts that the proposed <br />building will have on the neighboring properties. Schwieters stated that they do not anticipate semi - <br />truck traffic to gain access from 140t" Street North, although the road will be used to access parking for <br />employees. They also stated that all of the proposed garage doors are facing away from the residential <br />properties to limit the noise impact. <br />Commissioner Petty asked if the garage doors are opened during the day. Schwieters stated they are <br />opened and closed for production needs and to allow air flow into the building as there is no A/C. <br />Chair Kleissler opened the public hearing at 7:23pm. <br />Bill Mahre, 5231 141St Street N — Mahre is the president of Fenway Place, which is the residential <br />development to the north of the site. He has been a resident of Fenway Place for five years and is <br />representing the neighbors. His two main areas of concern are the screening requirements for the site <br />and the noise. The resident stated that the garage doors are opened 24 hours a day during the summer <br />and the noise is loud, especially during sleeping hours. The resident suggested a time in which the <br />doors are allowed to be opened and that the business install air conditioners for the facility. He also <br />stated that if commitments were made in the past on sound barriers than they need to be kept. <br />Commissioner Mulvihill asked the resident if there is a difference between night and day hours in <br />regard to the noise level. Mahre stated that night tends to be magnified due to lack of surrounding <br />noise. <br />Mark Briggs, 5221 141St Street N — Briggs has been a resident of Fenway Place for the last year and <br />stated that noise is the biggest issue, particularly during the middle of the night. The resident asked if <br />there is any hazardous waste that is produced and if there will be any wetland impact. Staff stated that <br />the street project will lead to an evaluation of whether there are wetland impacts and mitigation will <br />be handled appropriately should there be a need for impacts. <br />Denise Johnson, 5239 14151 Circle N — The resident is within close proximity to the industrial park and <br />has concerns about the growth of the business. The concerns with the new proposed building are the <br />same concerns from the first buildings that were built. There are loud, disruptive noises that happen 24 <br />hours a day and during all seasons. The noises can be heard with or without their windows open. The <br />expansion of the business will increase the noise and traffic level. The resident also stated that they are <br />concerned about the aesthetic of the parking on the north side of the proposed building. Johnson <br />played an audio recording on her phone to demonstrate the noise from the Schwieters operations. The <br />resident requested that the applicant construct a freeway wall along the north side of the site to <br />mitigate noise and sight impacts from the operations. <br />