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GRASS CLIPPINGS <br />The City maintains many stormwater ponds, <br />control structures, ditches, and wetlands. <br />We ask residents to help us keep these <br />features in good condition. <br />These clippings decompose and turn into <br />phosphorus which cause algae blooms in <br />the ponds. <br />If you live on a stormwater feature and you <br />notice a structure is plugged please call (651) <br />762-6301 so maintenance crews can remove <br />the obstruction. <br />PET WASTE <br />Pollutants from improperly disposed pet waste <br />may be washed into storm sewers by rain or <br />melting snow. When pet waste is washed into <br />lakes or streams the waste decays, using up <br />oxygen and sometimes releasing ammonia. <br />Low oxygen levels and ammonia combined <br />with warm temperatures can kill fish. Most <br />importantly, pet waste carries diseases which <br />make water unsafe for swimming and drinking. <br />Pet wastes may not be the largest or most <br />toxic pollutant in urban waterways, but it is <br />one of the many little sources of pollution that <br />add up to a big problem. Fortunately there are <br />some things we can all do to help keep our <br />water clean. It’s pet owner’s responsibility to <br />“scoop the poop” but it’s a small price to pay <br />to protect our water quality. (Ordinance No. <br />2011-45 Sec. 10-38) <br />Don’t blow grass clippings into the <br />roadways or stormwater ponds. <br />PARK PLAY DAYS <br />The YMCA is offering children ages 4 – 12 the opportunity to come play <br />and learn at the park. There will be a variety of crafts, games and activities. <br />Participating children will split into two age groups; <br />ages 4 – 7 and ages 8 – 12. <br />Cost per child per session $100 <br />Session One: June 13- July 14 (no program July 4) <br />Session Two: July 18- August 18 <br />Hours: 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. (M, T, W and TH) <br />Hanifl Athletic Park <br />7032 137th Street N. Space is limited. <br />Register online at <br />5 <br />WATERING <br />RESTRICTIONS <br />The City of Hugo has implemented watering restrictions for <br />properties using the municipal water supply to irrigate.