Firefighter's Relief ProjectionsBenefit Total Investments Estimated Market Projected Surplus Funding Cash In Fund 226Level Active Deferred Liability at 01/01/2022 State Aid Appreciation Assets (Deficit) Ratio at 01/01/20224,300$ 839,846$ 802,534$ 1,642,380$ 2,720,056$ 100,186$ ‐$ 2,820,242$ 1,177,862$ 172% 160,129$ 4,300$ 839,846$ 802,534$ 1,642,380$ 2,720,056$ 100,186$ (680,014)$ 2,140,228$ 497,848$ 130%4,300$ 839,846$ 802,534$ 1,642,380$ 2,720,056$ 100,186$ (952,020)$ 1,868,222$ 225,842$ 114%4,300$ 839,846$ 802,534$ 1,642,380$ 2,720,056$ 100,186$ (1,224,025)$ 1,596,217$ (46,163)$ 97%Projected Surplus (Deficit) at $4,300 Benefit LevelLiabilityProjected Surplus (Deficit) With 25% Market CorrectionProjected Surplus (Deficit) With 35% Market CorrectionProjected Surplus (Deficit) With 45% Market Correction