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 Chief’s memo from August, 2022, concerning the need for a full-time Fire Chief <br /> <br />Staff expects a discussion at the workshop starting with Council priorities, and leading to <br />direction to staff concerning next steps. Staff has collected notes from prior Council discussions <br />to help this conversation move along. <br /> <br />If Council is interested in hiring a full-time Chief, staff will create a job description and position <br />profile based on Council priorities. Establishing these priorities will help eliminate candidates <br />who have different objectives. Staff will also rewrite job descriptions for all the other fire <br />officers, establish a new organizational chart, and create a new salary structure for the <br />department. Staff would recommend widely advertising the position opening, and would <br />encourage internal candidates to apply. <br /> <br />If the Council decides not to hire a full-time Chief, we will pursue a discussion to re-set <br />expectations for the level of service being provided by the Fire Department. Setting of <br />expectations should make sense following our discussion on Council priorities. <br /> <br />