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<br />MINUTES <br /> <br />City Council-Fire Department Staffing Workshop <br />Hugo City Hall <br />Tuesday, February 21, 2023 <br />7:00 p.m. <br /> <br /> <br />COUNCIL PRESENT: Klein, Miron, Petryk, Strub, Weidt <br />COUNCIL ABSENT: None <br />OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Bryan Bear, Finance Director Anna Wobse, Fire Chief <br />Jim Compton, Jr., Deputy Fire Chief Dave Jensen, Assistant Fire Chief Colin Emans <br /> <br /> <br />Council had previously discussed the possibility of creating a new full-time fire chief position at <br />the Preliminary Budget and Midyear Budget Review Workshops in 2022. At the Midyear <br />Budget Review Workshop Council had directed staff to place funds in the general fund budget to <br />cover a new full-time fire chief position and to schedule a workshop in 2023 for further <br />discussion on the topic. City Administrator Bryan Bear reviewed slides with the Council that <br />provided background for the discussion on the Fire Department staffing needs. <br /> <br />Bear reviewed call data for fire, medical and other calls. Two main options where highlighted <br />during the presentation, including keeping things as they are or establishing a new full-time fire <br />chief position. Bear reviewed the priorities that Council had discussed at the past workshops and <br />possible options on how to proceed. Bear shared that funds were included in the 2023 budget for <br />both the current officer salaries and for a new full-time fire chief position, and that Council was <br />not required to create the new position simply because the funds were allocated for in the budget. <br /> <br />Council asked questions on mutual aid, fire and medical calls. Chief Compton explained how <br />and why the Fire Department goes on specific calls. Council discussed the importance of having <br />succession planning and keeping firefighters motivated to advance in the ranks. Council felt that <br />even if a new full-time fire chief position was established that it might be beneficial to keep <br />some current officer positions as well so that firefighters remain active, involved and take <br />ownership within the Department. Chief Compton shared some of his ideas on how to make that <br />all work with a full-time chief position. <br /> <br />Council raised concerns that many of the duties listed in the Chiefs’ staffing plan are <br />administrative duties and Council questioned if there was a need for an administrative assistant <br />to complete those tasks. Chief Compton shared that he felt a full-time fire chief position could <br />handle all of those duties. Council expressed a need to keep the culture of the Fire Department <br />the same and questioned if establishing a full-time fire chief position would change that. Council <br />agreed that this was a major decision that will have many permanent impacts on the future of the <br />City and they want to make sure that they are looking at all angles before making a decision. <br />The Chiefs’ staffing plan had only highlighted the benefits of a full-time fire chief position and <br />Council asked Chief Compton to make a list of drawbacks of a full-time chief position so that <br />Council could look at both sides. <br /> <br />Council directed staff to add the creation of a subcommittee to discuss the Fire Department <br />staffing needs to the next City Council agenda. Council would like the subcommittee to consist <br />of two Council Members, the City Administrator, the three Fire Chiefs, one or two current <br />officers and one or two current firefighters. Council recommended that the Chiefs also set-up a